by Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd

Accelerate your sales and marketing efforts while browsing the web by directly connecting your SuiteCRM contacts from Gmail using the Gmail Chrome Tool for SuiteCRM.

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Support Cases Author Status Type
#5437 Please cancel this subscription - doesn't work - We have tried many times to get this to work and need to cancel the payments. Please do not charge t GBlack Open Bug?
#5412 No contact on gmail - Hello, I installed everything. When I click on an email in gmail I don’t see the contact. I se Quentin In Progress Bug?
#5200 Email not selected message - Hello, After opening an email in gmail the GSync extension appears, but it only shows the "Email no In Progress Bug?
#5140 Error on install - after instlaling the pluing, we get this error "500" error: [Fri Dec 08 16:00:24.283745 2023] [php: glenn1 In Progress Bug?
#5083 REFUND!! - I cancelled my trial but still got charged for the product!! $200!! What is this?? Please refund me In Progress Bug?
#4873 I can't enable the Gsync - This the message from the log Query Failed: SELECT * FROM vi_gsync_gmail_config LIMIT 0,1: MySQL er lior1 Closed Bug?
#4671 Question - Hi, Does this support email communication inside the other modules? Projects and Cases for exampl dwaynecasey Closed General Question
#4537 Upgrade to version 8? - Hi, Are you planning to upgrade for the new version of SuiteCRM? Thanks Closed Feature
#4447 Group Email account - Hi Can you confirm if this plug-in works on group inbox accounts? info@ is shared by 4 gmail use t In Progress Feature
#4422 Login in the gmail extension - Hi, Gmail Chrome Tool for SuiteCRM. When I want to login in the tool in Gmail it says" Invalid User philipppudelko Closed Installation
#4363 Chrome extension does nothing - Hello I have downloaded both the plug-in and extension When I am using chrome on Gmail, the exte t In Progress Bug?
#4310 Will you be supporting the new Gmail view? - Hello, We would like to use your product but need to know that it will be supported in the new Gmai In Progress Bug?
#4163 Email Thread Does Not Sync - When pressing the "Email" button the initial email syncs to CRM just fine. However, none of the subs ProMaster Closed Bug?
#3777 no funciona - esta bien instalado y habilitado y no funciona gabriel1 Closed Bug?
#3776 no funciona - esta bien instalado y habilitado y no funciona gabriel1 Open Bug?
#3768 da error en gmail y no funciona - Internal Server Error gabriel1 Closed Bug?
#3643 Doesn't work - I'm trying to use "GSync for Gmail" but it bizzarly says "GSync for Gmail Extensions is not installe chancock Closed Bug?
#3285 Stylize the UI in Gmail - How can I edit the CSS styling in the Gmail Browser? madskittles Closed General Question
#3161 Email saving doesn't save attachments from source email - Hi Variance Team, Within email saving we bumped into a problem that attachments are not saved to Su vladimir.reznik Closed Bug?
  • "Good tool. Have had it fail on two occasions (Gmail or Chrome changes I believe), but Variance did fix it each time within one week." - brianpaavo

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