by Blackant Solutions

Colors for SuiteCRM helps you create and maintain a unique color code of your customer data so it’s easy to identify the records matching the criteria with a highlighted color. What’s unique about this add-on is, it allows you to configure colors at both the field level, home page dashlets, and sub-panel level within a module.

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Support Cases Author Status Type
#5451 Does this work in suite CRM 8+ - as per the title is this supported and if not is there any roadmap to support version 8+ Open General Question
#5225 Can not add Colors Setting - When trying to save a new setting I get a blank page, the url ends with "index.php?module=ant_Colors qwerty Closed Bug?
#5169 Error 500 after installation - Hi, i install addon and try trial, but don´t validate key. Can you help me? So, i am migrating direccion Closed Installation
#4919 Don´t run validate license key to try trial - Hi, i can´t do nothing because Don´t run validate license key to try trial direccion Closed Installation
#4562 SuiteCRM 8 Update? - Any plans on upgrading this module so it is compatible with SuiteCRM 8? nathanmustoe In Progress General Question
#4425 Report Module - Will you be adding the feature for the Reports Module? hector.chim Closed Feature
#4418 Not Working on Dashlet - Installed on 7.12.6 not working on Dashlet hector.chim In Progress Bug?
#4018 Colors Plugin doesn't work - Hi, the plugin doesn't work on the pg environment. I was doing some tests and nothing changed, I c CREdge Closed Bug?
#3623 Installer fails at 5% - Hi, in config.php we use 'dir_mode' => 493, 'file_mode' => 420, everything in cache f Lion Solution Closed Bug?
#3102 Installer fails - Hi, i'm having an issue when trying to install Colors Add-in. I'm able to upload the zip file to S erik3 Closed Installation
#3048 Subpanel Conditions are not wokring - I'm using SuiteCRM 7.11.15 on a LAMP server. Im running 1.6 of colors plugin. I have set up color ghansen Closed Bug?
#3016 Not showing on dashlet and possible bug in rule creations - Used Colors version 1.5 over SuiteCRM 7.11.15 (LAMP). Installed & Quick-repaired the system. Also, Ricardo Cairello Closed Bug?
#2950 Colors not appearing in Safari - I just installed the Colors module and repaired the build. I tried to set up my first rule but under admin28 Closed Bug?
#2829 Dashlet - Hi, is it also available in the Dashlets? Br, sgi sgi Closed General Question
  • "This is a great addition to Suitecrm and a feature some of our users were asking for. from identifying high priority records or reducing visibility to..." - ghansen

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