Colors for SuiteCRM helps you create and maintain a unique color code of your customer data so it’s easy to identify the records matching the criteria with a highlighted color. What’s unique about this add-on is, it allows you to configure colors at both the field level, home page dashlets, and sub-panel level within a module.
#5225 - Can not add Colors Setting
When trying to save a new setting I get a blank page, the url ends with "index.php?module=ant_Colors&action=saveSettings". No errors in suitecrm log
a year ago
Hi, Can we have a call via Zoom to see the error? Please send email -
6 months ago
I just bought the Add-On and I have the exact same problem. It's a PHP Fatal Error (so HTTP Error 500) caused by an uninitialized variable in action_saveSettings():
$conditionArray is never initialized:
6 months ago
Hi, Can you please let me know what PHP version and SuiteCRM version you are using?
6 months ago
Colors 1.8.2 SuiteCRM 7.14.5 PHP 8.2.23 MariaDB 10.11.8
6 months ago
the for block going from line 67 to 71 that cause the problem is not needed at all as it populate $formData that is reset just after. I tried removing it and the rule was successfully saved in ant_color_settings table. But not applied in the Dashboard or elsewhere.
6 months ago
I will check and update you a patch.
6 months ago
Hi, Can you please share your email to I will share the link there.
6 months ago
Version 1.8.3 works well with PHP 8.2.23. Thank you.
6 months ago
Thanks for the update. We will check and update a fix for that PHP version. I will update here when its done.