by Blackant Solutions

Colors for SuiteCRM helps you create and maintain a unique color code of your customer data so it’s easy to identify the records matching the criteria with a highlighted color. What’s unique about this add-on is, it allows you to configure colors at both the field level, home page dashlets, and sub-panel level within a module.

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#3102 - Installer fails

Closed Installation created by erik3 4 years ago

Hi, i'm having an issue when trying to install Colors Add-in. I'm able to upload the zip file to Suitecrm module loader and I press the "Commit" button and then nothing happens for 3-5 min until browser gives error, Page not working, "Err empty response". I have found that database tables are not added to database and Suitecrm logs shows error "Table does not exist". Have tried the 3 different versions you have on download page and all give the same result. I did a Quick Repair and Rebuild after each installation attempt. Any idea why this happens and how to fix it?

  1. blackant member avatar

    Blackant Solutions Provider

    4 years ago

    Hi, Usually, it won't take that much time. Can you make sure, cache folder has writable permission? If possible, we can have a screen sharing session.

    Thanks, Raj

    • erik3 member avatar


      4 years ago

      Hi, ok. Cache folder "drwxrwxr-x" and owner: www-data www-data
      Sure we can do a screen sharing session. When are you available?


  2. blackant member avatar

    Blackant Solutions Provider

    4 years ago

    Hi Erik, Shall we have a call tomorrow? I am from India. Let me know your convenient time tomorrow. I will make myself available

    Thanks, Raj

    • erik3 member avatar


      4 years ago

      yes, we can do that. ok, I can send you an email when I get up tomorrow.

      Good night :)1

    • erik3 member avatar


      4 years ago

      Contact me when you are available and can do a remote session with me :)


  3. blackant member avatar

    Blackant Solutions Provider

    4 years ago

    Sent you an email Erik. We will have a call today.

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