by GrinMark

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#645 - Addin does not connect after install

Closed Installation created by stephentew 7 years ago

I have installed the plugin using the mutliple users guidline and have added myself as a user in suitecrm. In my office 365 i cannot connect using my username and password. The only thing I can guess is something to do with ldap encryption. Can I get some assistance?

  1. GrinMark member avatar

    GrinMark Provider

    7 years ago

    Hi Stephen,

    According to the logs - connection is OK. The problem is that your CRM user does not have Export permission for Meetings module. You need to fix it in SuiteCRM settings.

    Regards, Denis

    • stephentew member avatar


      7 years ago

      The username in question is a sysadmin and has every right to every module

  2. GrinMark member avatar

    GrinMark Provider

    7 years ago

    Hi Stephen,

    This standard SOAP call - get_entry_list - returns Access Denied.

    Regards, Denis

  3. stephentew member avatar


    7 years ago

    It works for any user that was created internally, but not users that authenticate through the ldap. The internal user does not sync any meetings, but it can at least connect

  4. GrinMark member avatar

    GrinMark Provider

    7 years ago

    Hi Stephen,

    The user that is currently configured connects normally, but on get_entry_list receives Access Denied from CRM.

    Regards, Denis

  5. stephentew member avatar


    7 years ago

    So what does that mean? Is there somewhere in the setup that I have missed something?

  6. GrinMark member avatar

    GrinMark Provider

    7 years ago

    Hi Stephen,

    There are two things to check: - The user must have Export permissions for the Meetings module - The Meetings tab mist be enabled

    Even if the user is admin - Export may be turned off by default.

    Please check. If you believe that Export is turned on - please send us a screenshot of the settings to

    Regards, Denis

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