Make life easier by reducing the need to flip between apps. If you are using Outlook Web App, Outlook 2013, or Outlook 2016 connected to Office365 or Exchange Server 2013 then be sure to take advantage of this email and contact synchronization add-on. Smartly links emails to your SuiteCRM records and keeps your contacts in sync.
#2621 - Connection Failed The request failed. The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
hello i am having trouble connecting from outlook to office 365.
via the i use my normal login (my email and password) and it works fine. i put in a browser and it prompts me for a username and password (email and password) i get message page called service ( i think working)
but when i try entering o365 user and pass via the gm plugin settings i get Connection Failed The request failed. The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
FYI connecting to crm is working fine. i am using suite CRM.
can you help ?
5 years ago
Hi tt, Is user name detected by our plugin is the same as you are entering at Some mailboxes have aliases and auto-detected email should be adjusted (by us). Regards, Max
5 years ago
yes i login on o365 with the same email that is automatically presented in the plugin. their are a few aliases for incoming email but the one present is the one i use to login online. i must note i have 2fa if IP is outside my office, so if i need to white list an IP from your side i should know.
5 years ago
That's it. IP to whitelist is (
Regards, Max
5 years ago
solved :)