by Implicit Inc.

Implicit FrontEnd provides deep integration with Microsoft Outlook. In addition to full two-way synchronization of Outlook data such as contacts and calendars, it allows you to sync CRM data including accounts, opportunities, quotes etc. so that you can do all your CRM work without leaving Outlook. In addition, FrontEnd allows you to leverage the rich Outlook functionality to provide tools such as manual and automatic email archiving, collaboration and approval, opportunity tracking and more.

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#1604 - Implicit FrontEnd Outlook Add-on Archiving Email Issue

Closed Bug? created by americantours Verified Purchase 6 years ago


We have encountered an issue for some users who try to archive emails using Implicit FrontEnd Outlook Add-on. When archiving an email, searching the database to find an account name returns no result; therefore, archiving is not possible. However, sometimes this feature works fine without an issue. I have captured both logs from same user's access from same computer when the error occurred and when the user could successfully archive an email and database search returned results.

Below is the log for when user could successfully search the database for an account name and results were shown: (please take a look at the log after this log for when the error occurred and no results were shown)

11/28/2018 17:06:40.735 (9980) :- Calling WALogin API Start
11/28/2018 17:06:40.735 (9980) :- WALoginEx Start
11/28/2018 17:06:40.735 (9980) :- Begin SugarSoapApi::LoginEx
11/28/2018 17:06:45.029 (9980) :- End SugarSoapApi::LoginEx; sessionID: 'hgi6kv1pul52mvm055is8cns61'; version: '6.5.25'; flavor: 'CE'; teams: 'False'; securitygroups: 'True'
11/28/2018 17:06:45.029 (9980) :- Begin SugarSoapApi::get_relationships; session: 'hgi6kv1pul52mvm055is8cns61'; module_name: 'Users'; module_id: '4618b7e9-c8ba-2df0-1e25-5a33442cd84a'; link_field_name: 'SecurityGroups'; related_module_query: ''; delete: '0', orderBy: '', offset: '0', limit: '500'
11/28/2018 17:06:45.903 (9980) :- End SugarSoapApi::get_relationships; entry_list.Length: '2'; relationship_list.Length: '0'
11/28/2018 17:06:45.903 (9980) :- WALoginEx End
11/28/2018 17:06:45.936 (9980) :- WASyncWebToOutlookAllContacts Start
11/28/2018 17:06:45.949 (9980) :- Begin SugarSoapApi::get_entry_list; session: 'hgi6kv1pul52mvm055is8cns61'; module_name: 'Contacts'; query: '(( IN (SELECT eabr_scauth.bean_id FROM email_addr_bean_rel AS eabr_scauth INNER JOIN email_addresses AS ea_scauth ON ea_scauth.deleted = 0 AND eabr_scauth.email_address_id = AND ea_scauth.email_address IN ('') WHERE eabr_scauth.deleted = 0 AND eabr_scauth.bean_module = 'Contacts')))'; Offset: '0'; max_results: '500'; deleted: '0'
11/28/2018 17:06:46.992 (9980) :- End SugarSoapApi::get_entry_list; result_count: '0'; total_count: '0'; next_offset: '0'; entry_list.Length: '0'; relationship_list.Length: '0'
11/28/2018 17:06:46.992 (9980) :- WASyncWebToOutlookAllContacts End
11/28/2018 17:06:46.992 (9980) :- Found 0 contact(s)
11/28/2018 17:06:46.992 (9980) :- WASyncWebToOutlookLeads Start
11/28/2018 17:06:46.997 (9980) :- Begin SugarSoapApi::get_entry_list; session: 'hgi6kv1pul52mvm055is8cns61'; module_name: 'Leads'; query: '( IN (SELECT eabr_scauth.bean_id FROM email_addr_bean_rel AS eabr_scauth INNER JOIN email_addresses AS ea_scauth ON ea_scauth.deleted = 0 AND eabr_scauth.email_address_id = AND ea_scauth.email_address IN ('') WHERE eabr_scauth.deleted = 0 AND eabr_scauth.bean_module = 'Leads'))'; Offset: '0'; max_results: '500'; deleted: '0'
11/28/2018 17:06:48.134 (9980) :- End SugarSoapApi::get_entry_list; result_count: '0'; total_count: '0'; next_offset: '0'; entry_list.Length: '0'; relationship_list.Length: '0'
11/28/2018 17:06:48.134 (9980) :- WASyncWebToOutlookLeads End
11/28/2018 17:06:48.134 (9980) :- Found 0 lead(s)
11/28/2018 17:06:48.189 (9980) :- SearchContactOrLeadForEmailAddresses. End
11/28/2018 17:06:48.189 (9980) :- SearchForUnknownAddressesInSugar. Found Items from Sugar 0
11/28/2018 17:06:54.035 (6008) :- WALogin Start
11/28/2018 17:06:54.035 (6008) :- Begin SugarSoapApi::Login
11/28/2018 17:06:56.539 (4896) :- WASyncWebToOutlookModule Start: Accounts
11/28/2018 17:06:56.539 (4896) :- Begin SugarSoapApi::get_entry_list; session: '0ile7c6cm3ej8i33m7uscm8373'; module_name: 'Accounts'; query: ''; Offset: '0'; max_results: '20'; deleted: '0'
11/28/2018 17:06:57.567 (4896) :- Exception in SugarSoapApi::get_entry_list: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Invalid Session ID
   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
   at WAAPI.SugarCRM.sugarsoap.qIlaUruMg6F5r9uGA0y(Object , Object , Object )
   at WAAPI.SugarCRM.sugarsoap.get_entry_list(String session, String module_name, String query, String order_by, Int32 offset, String[] select_fields, link_name_to_fields_array[] link_name_to_fields_array, Int32 max_results, Int32 deleted, Boolean favorites)
   at WAAPI.SugarSoapApi.get_entry_list(String session, String module_name, String query, String order_by, Int32 offset, String[] select_fields, link_name_to_fields_array[] link_name_to_fields_array, Int32 max_results, Int32 deleted, Boolean favorites)
   at WAAPI.SugarApi.te55xvGA65MKFjZ3E9K(Object , Object , Object , Object , Object , Int32 offset, Object , Object , Int32 max_results, Int32 deleted, Boolean favorites)
   at WAAPI.SugarApi.IhjTjeUajQ(String  , String  , String  , Int32&  , String[]  , link_name_to_fields_array[]  , Int32  , Int32  , Boolean  )
11/28/2018 17:06:57.667 (4896) :- Begin SugarSoapApi::get_entry_list; session: '0ile7c6cm3ej8i33m7uscm8373'; module_name: 'Accounts'; query: ''; Offset: '0'; max_results: '20'; deleted: '0'
11/28/2018 17:06:58.338 (9980) :- ClearList. Memory used after collect: 18240512
11/28/2018 17:06:58.636 (4896) :- Exception in SugarSoapApi::get_entry_list: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Invalid Session ID
   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
   at WAAPI.SugarCRM.sugarsoap.qIlaUruMg6F5r9uGA0y(Object , Object , Object )
   at WAAPI.SugarCRM.sugarsoap.get_entry_list(String session, String module_name, String query, String order_by, Int32 offset, String[] select_fields, link_name_to_fields_array[] link_name_to_fields_array, Int32 max_results, Int32 deleted, Boolean favorites)
   at WAAPI.SugarSoapApi.get_entry_list(String session, String module_name, String query, String order_by, Int32 offset, String[] select_fields, link_name_to_fields_array[] link_name_to_fields_array, Int32 max_results, Int32 deleted, Boolean favorites)
   at WAAPI.SugarApi.te55xvGA65MKFjZ3E9K(Object , Object , Object , Object , Object , Int32 offset, Object , Object , Int32 max_results, Int32 deleted, Boolean favorites)
   at WAAPI.SugarApi.IhjTjeUajQ(String  , String  , String  , Int32&  , String[]  , link_name_to_fields_array[]  , Int32  , Int32  , Boolean  )
11/28/2018 17:06:58.736 (4896) :- Begin SugarSoapApi::Login
11/28/2018 17:06:57.873 (6008) :- End SugarSoapApi::Login; sessionID: 'e553m1jqghacbd7d1l7pfhmp67'; version: '6.5.25'; flavor: 'CE'; teams: 'False'; securitygroups: 'True'
11/28/2018 17:06:57.873 (6008) :- WALogin End
11/28/2018 17:06:57.873 (6008) :- Starting file synchronization. Direction: UploadAndDownload
11/28/2018 17:06:57.882 (6008) :- Enumerating Outlook files...
11/28/2018 17:06:57.882 (6008) :- Enumerated 9 items
11/28/2018 17:06:57.894 (6008) :- Enumerating Web files...
11/28/2018 17:06:57.894 (6008) :- WAEnumerateFiles Start
11/28/2018 17:06:57.894 (6008) :- Begin SugarSoapApi::get_entry_list; session: 'e553m1jqghacbd7d1l7pfhmp67'; module_name: 'Documents'; query: ''; Offset: '0'; max_results: '500'; deleted: '0'
11/28/2018 17:06:59.135 (6008) :- End SugarSoapApi::get_entry_list; result_count: '9'; total_count: '9'; next_offset: '9'; entry_list.Length: '9'; relationship_list.Length: '9'
11/28/2018 17:06:59.135 (6008) :- Begin SugarSoapApi::get_entry_list; session: 'e553m1jqghacbd7d1l7pfhmp67'; module_name: 'Documents'; query: ''; Offset: '9'; max_results: '500'; deleted: '0'
11/28/2018 17:07:00.209 (6008) :- End SugarSoapApi::get_entry_list; result_count: '0'; total_count: '9'; next_offset: '9'; entry_list.Length: '0'; relationship_list.Length: '0'
11/28/2018 17:07:00.209 (6008) :- WAEnumerateFiles End
11/28/2018 17:07:00.209 (6008) :- Received 9 items
11/28/2018 17:07:00.249 (6008) :- Enumerating Web files...
11/28/2018 17:07:00.249 (6008) :- WAEnumerateFiles Start
11/28/2018 17:07:00.250 (6008) :- Begin SugarSoapApi::get_entry_list; session: 'e553m1jqghacbd7d1l7pfhmp67'; module_name: 'Documents'; query: ''; Offset: '0'; max_results: '500'; deleted: '0'
11/28/2018 17:07:01.605 (6008) :- End SugarSoapApi::get_entry_list; result_count: '9'; total_count: '9'; next_offset: '9'; entry_list.Length: '9'; relationship_list.Length: '9'
11/28/2018 17:07:01.605 (6008) :- Begin SugarSoapApi::get_entry_list; session: 'e553m1jqghacbd7d1l7pfhmp67'; module_name: 'Documents'; query: ''; Offset: '9'; max_results: '500'; deleted: '0'
11/28/2018 17:07:02.708 (9980) :- RefreshList. Memory used after collect: 19265792
11/28/2018 17:07:02.709 (9980) :- Creating table from CRM remote items
11/28/2018 17:07:02.746 (9980) :- WAGetNumberOfAccounts Start
11/28/2018 17:07:02.746 (9980) :- Begin SugarSoapApi::get_entries_count; session: 'uu6ap4531sranb18snto0dqc61'; module_name: 'Accounts'; query: '( LIKE 'a%')'; deleted: '0'
11/28/2018 17:07:02.795 (4896) :- End SugarSoapApi::Login; sessionID: 'uu6ap4531sranb18snto0dqc61'; version: '6.5.25'; flavor: 'CE'; teams: 'False'; securitygroups: 'True'
11/28/2018 17:07:02.795 (4896) :- Begin SugarSoapApi::get_entry_list; session: 'uu6ap4531sranb18snto0dqc61'; module_name: 'Accounts'; query: ''; Offset: '0'; max_results: '20'; deleted: '0'
11/28/2018 17:07:04.238 (9980) :- End SugarSoapApi::get_entries_count; result_count: '922'
11/28/2018 17:07:04.238 (9980) :- WAGetNumberOfAccounts End
11/28/2018 17:07:04.238 (9980) :- WASyncWebToOutlookAccounts Start
11/28/2018 17:07:04.238 (9980) :- Begin SugarSoapApi::get_entry_list; session: 'uu6ap4531sranb18snto0dqc61'; module_name: 'Accounts'; query: '( LIKE 'a%')'; Offset: '0'; max_results: '100'; deleted: '0'
11/28/2018 17:07:02.791 (6008) :- End SugarSoapApi::get_entry_list; result_count: '0'; total_count: '9'; next_offset: '9'; entry_list.Length: '0'; relationship_list.Length: '0'
11/28/2018 17:07:02.791 (6008) :- WAEnumerateFiles End
11/28/2018 17:07:02.791 (6008) :- Received 9 items
11/28/2018 17:07:02.805 (6008) :- Enumerating Outlook files...
11/28/2018 17:07:02.806 (6008) :- Enumerated 9 items
11/28/2018 17:07:02.823 (6008) :- File synchronization completed.
11/28/2018 17:07:02.823 (6008) :- WALogout Start
11/28/2018 17:07:02.823 (6008) :- Begin SugarSoapApi::Logout; session: 'e553m1jqghacbd7d1l7pfhmp67'
11/28/2018 17:07:04.293 (6008) :- End SugarSoapApi::Logout
11/28/2018 17:07:04.293 (6008) :- WALogout End
11/28/2018 17:07:05.797 (4896) :- End SugarSoapApi::get_entry_list; result_count: '20'; total_count: '32523'; next_offset: '20'; entry_list.Length: '20'; relationship_list.Length: '0'
11/28/2018 17:07:05.797 (4896) :- WASyncWebToOutlookModule End
11/28/2018 17:07:07.291 (9980) :- End SugarSoapApi::get_entry_list; result_count: '100'; total_count: '922'; next_offset: '100'; entry_list.Length: '100'; relationship_list.Length: '100'
11/28/2018 17:07:07.298 (9980) :- WASyncWebToOutlookAccounts End
11/28/2018 17:07:07.298 (9980) :- WASyncWebToOutlookAccounts returned: 0
11/28/2018 17:07:07.500 (9980) :- frmBrowse: create list items: 5
11/28/2018 17:07:07.574 (9980) :- RefreshList. Memory used after db load: 19643688
11/28/2018 17:07:12.791 (9980) :- frmBrowse_FormClosed. Memory used collect: 19258520
11/28/2018 17:07:19.914 (9980) :- Uploading the mails to server End
11/28/2018 17:07:28.130 (9980) :- Options Click Start

Below is the log for when the error occurred and no results were shown in database search for an account name:

11/27/2018 17:38:22.217 (8228) :- WASyncWebToOutlookModule Start: Accounts
11/27/2018 17:38:22.245 (8228) :- Begin SugarSoapApi::Login
11/27/2018 17:38:23.944 (7036) :- ClearList. Memory used after collect: 17840128
11/27/2018 17:38:24.248 (8228) :- Exception in SugarSoapApi::Login: System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
   at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Exception& exception)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(TransportContext& context)
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
   at WAAPI.SugarCRM.sugarsoap.qIlaUruMg6F5r9uGA0y(Object , Object , Object )
   at WAAPI.SugarCRM.sugarsoap.login(user_auth user_auth, String application_name, name_value[] name_value_list)
   at WAAPI.SugarSoapApi.login(user_auth user_auth, String application_name, name_value[] name_value_list)
   at WAAPI.SugarApi.V4MXnrkpomfVyfmjpEx(Object , Object , Object , Object )
   at WAAPI.SugarApi.Login()
11/27/2018 17:38:24.248 (8228) :- Exception in WASyncWebToOutlookModule - System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
   at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Exception& exception)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at WAAPI.SugarApi.Login()
   at WAAPI.SugarApi.IhjTjeUajQ(String  , String  , String  , Int32&  , String[]  , link_name_to_fields_array[]  , Int32  , Int32  , Boolean  )
   at WAAPI.SugarApi.SyncWebToOutlookModule(CRMModule crmModule, Nullable`1 timeStamp, String[] SelectFields, IEnumerable`1 excludeIDs, XmlDocument& pModuleFile, Int32 maxRec, Int32& offset, String[] additionalIDs, XmlDocument filter, String sortField, Boolean sortAsc, Boolean brief)
   at WAAPI.WAMain.WASyncWebToOutlookModule(CRMModule crmModule, Nullable`1 timeStamp, String[] selectFields, IEnumerable`1 excludeIDs, XmlDocument& pModuleFile, Int32 maxRec, Int32& offset, String[] additionalIDs, XmlDocument filter, String sortField, Boolean sortAsc, Boolean brief)
11/27/2018 17:38:24.248 (8228) :- WASyncWebToOutlookModule End
11/27/2018 17:38:37.870 (7036) :- RefreshList. Memory used after collect: 18775624
11/27/2018 17:38:37.877 (7036) :- Creating table from CRM remote items
11/27/2018 17:38:37.923 (7036) :- WAGetNumberOfAccounts Start
11/27/2018 17:38:37.930 (7036) :- Begin SugarSoapApi::Login
11/27/2018 17:38:39.931 (7036) :- Exception in SugarSoapApi::Login: System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
   at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Exception& exception)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(TransportContext& context)
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
   at WAAPI.SugarCRM.sugarsoap.qIlaUruMg6F5r9uGA0y(Object , Object , Object )
   at WAAPI.SugarCRM.sugarsoap.login(user_auth user_auth, String application_name, name_value[] name_value_list)
   at WAAPI.SugarSoapApi.login(user_auth user_auth, String application_name, name_value[] name_value_list)
   at WAAPI.SugarApi.V4MXnrkpomfVyfmjpEx(Object , Object , Object , Object )
   at WAAPI.SugarApi.Login()
11/27/2018 17:38:39.931 (7036) :- Exception in WAGetNumberOfAccounts: System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
   at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Exception& exception)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at WAAPI.SugarApi.Login()
   at WAAPI.SugarApi.L1pTLl4v5h(String  , String  , Int32  )
   at WAAPI.SugarApi.GetNumberOfAccounts(Int32& filtered, Int32& all, Int32 period, String teamIDs, XmlDocument filter)
   at WAAPI.WAMain.WAGetNumberOfAccounts(Int32& filtered, Int32& all, Int32 period, String teamIDs, XmlDocument filter)
11/27/2018 17:38:39.932 (7036) :- WAGetNumberOfAccounts End
11/27/2018 17:38:39.933 (7036) :- WASyncWebToOutlookAccounts Start
11/27/2018 17:38:39.933 (7036) :- Begin SugarSoapApi::Login
11/27/2018 17:38:41.934 (7036) :- Exception in SugarSoapApi::Login: System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
   at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Exception& exception)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(TransportContext& context)
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
   at WAAPI.SugarCRM.sugarsoap.qIlaUruMg6F5r9uGA0y(Object , Object , Object )
   at WAAPI.SugarCRM.sugarsoap.login(user_auth user_auth, String application_name, name_value[] name_value_list)
   at WAAPI.SugarSoapApi.login(user_auth user_auth, String application_name, name_value[] name_value_list)
   at WAAPI.SugarApi.V4MXnrkpomfVyfmjpEx(Object , Object , Object , Object )
   at WAAPI.SugarApi.Login()
11/27/2018 17:38:41.934 (7036) :- Exception while syncing Web to OL Accounts - System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
   at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Exception& exception)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at WAAPI.SugarApi.Login()
   at WAAPI.SugarApi.IhjTjeUajQ(String  , String  , String  , Int32&  , String[]  , link_name_to_fields_array[]  , Int32  , Int32  , Boolean  )
   at WAAPI.SugarApi.SyncWebToOutlookAccounts(CRMModule crmModule, Nullable`1 AccountTimeStamp, String[] SelectFields, IEnumerable`1 excludeIDs, XmlDocument& pAccountsFile, Int32 maxRec, Int32& offset, XmlDocument filter, String[] additionalIDs, String sortField, Boolean sortAsc, String[] retrieveIDs, Boolean brief, String[] RelatedModules)
   at WAAPI.WAMain.WASyncWebToOutlookAccounts(CRMModule crmModule, Nullable`1 AccountTimeStamp, String[] SelectFields, IEnumerable`1 excludeIDs, XmlDocument& pAccountsFile, Int32 maxRec, Int32& offset, XmlDocument filter, String[] additionalIDs, String sortField, Boolean sortAsc, String[] retrieveIDs, Boolean brief, String[] RelatedModules)
11/27/2018 17:38:41.934 (7036) :- WASyncWebToOutlookAccounts End
11/27/2018 17:38:41.934 (7036) :- WASyncWebToOutlookAccounts returned: -1
11/27/2018 17:38:41.934 (7036) :- Exiting...
11/27/2018 17:38:42.062 (7036) :- frmBrowse: create list items: 0
11/27/2018 17:38:42.095 (7036) :- RefreshList. Memory used after db load: 18781704
11/27/2018 17:38:57.832 (7036) :- frmBrowse_FormClosed. Memory used collect: 18752160
11/27/2018 17:39:01.889 (7036) :- Uploading the mails to server End
11/27/2018 17:39:07.089 (7036) :- Closing the inspector Start with caption - 751984174fd2faaf34310f225e5ac6ab
11/27/2018 17:39:07.091 (7036) :- Inspector killed
11/27/2018 17:39:07.091 (7036) :- Killing inspector Start
11/27/2018 17:39:07.091 (7036) :- Getting item for key - 41
11/27/2018 17:39:07.091 (7036) :- Inspector wrapper Set
11/27/2018 17:39:07.091 (7036) :- Inspector found in the collection
11/27/2018 17:39:07.091 (7036) :- Inspector removed from the list
11/27/2018 17:39:07.091 (7036) :- Killing inspector End
11/27/2018 17:39:07.105 (7036) :- Closing the inspector End 
11/27/2018 17:39:17.107 (7036) :- Options Click Start

Please let us know if you need additional information.

Regards, ATI Tech Support

  1. Implicit member avatar

    Implicit Inc. Provider

    6 years ago


    I can see that error triggered on the network level, the addin tries to connect to loopback ip instead of crm server.

    11/27/2018 17:38:24.248 (8228) :- Exception in SugarSoapApi::Login: System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

    Could you please verify network setting of the pc, seems like the proxy is changed.

    Regards, Implicit Support Team.

  2. americantours member avatar

    americantours Verified Purchase

    6 years ago


    Thanks for your response. Yes, we were aware of that, but the person who was accessing was always on VPN and not disconnected when the error occurred. But I will double check the situation, and I will let you know.

    Thanks, ATI Tech Support

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