Official SuiteCRM Outlook Plugin v4 has arrived - Compatible with the Outlook Web App or Outlook 2016+ connected to Office365 or Exchange Server 2016. A complete rebuild developed and maintained by SuiteCRM developers, the addon retains previous functionality while massively improves performance, reliability and stability!
#789 - unable to find all custom modules in Archive tab of settings
I was configuring our first user - and everything went pretty smoothly- except we are not able to find all the custom modules in the 'Archive' tab of Settings --- we were able to find one of the custom modules -- and test an archive to that custom module - but we have about 10 custom modules that we need to add to the archiving.
7 years ago
To add custom modules to the Archive dialog, open the Settings dialog, open the Archive tab, tick the box marked 'Include Custom Modules', select the button to the right of the 'Include Custom Modules' tickbox. After a couple of moments (we query the CRM for what modules it has; this takes time) a dialog will open showing all the custom modules on your CRM. Tick the tickboxes against each one you want to see in the Archive dialog. Click Save. The dialog will close. Click Save again on the Settings dialog.
Your selected custom modules will now be available in the archive dialog.
Team we ought to put this in the FAQ.
7 years ago
I figured that part out but as I mentioned in my initial request - I was able to find one custom module but there are about 10 that didn’t show.
To clarify - the custom module query only found one out of 10 of my custom modules.
7 years ago
Hello Simon,
Have you had a chance to review this - we are dead in the water if the plugin does not find all the custom modules in the system.
To reiterate - I know how to add the custom modules - the issue is that only a small number of modules are being found.
7 years ago
Sorry to be slow on this one.
Can you give me an example name of a custom module which does not appear on the list? I'm wondering whether there is something about the name we're either failing to parse or else mistakenly identifying as a standard module. There's a long list of module names we don't put in that dialog.
7 years ago
For clarity, the entire list of module names we currently ignore is as follows:
These actually shouldn't be hard-coded, and could be configurable; at present they are hard-coded but it would not be hard to change this. Are the names of modules you're not finding on this list?
7 years ago
Whoops! Sorry about the formatting.
7 years ago
Hello Simon,
Here is the complete list of our customer modules -- as per the /modules folder in the suitecrm file system
cert_CPIVA COR_CORAudit cou_Online_Courses cus_CUs lag_Lagging_Indicators lead_LeadingIndicator levy_Levy_Payments ment_MentorshipHours ment_MentorshipProgram res_Online_Resources std_Student_Audit tc_TrainingCourses ts_Locations ts_SAST ts_Training_Tracking well_WellnessResources wor_Workshop wrk_WIVA
do you see anything in here that would prevent the addin from finding these custom modules
7 years ago
I note that they all include the underscore character ('_'), and that none of the ones in our test set do. I don't understand why this should cause a problem, but I'll get one added to our test set and see whether we can reproduce the problem.
7 years ago
OK, I've tested that hypothesis and drawn a blank. We've added these two:
to our list of modules. They show in the custom modules dialog and in the archive dialog:
We are having a problem that when two custom modules are selected for the same email address, the email only gets linked to one of them and which one seems arbitrary; I'm looking at this problem just now. The problem you're reporting I cannot reproduce.
Could you set your logging level to DEBUG (last page of the settings dialog), restart Outlook, open the Custom Modules dialog; wait for it to open, and then send us your logs?
7 years ago
Hello Simon,
sorry for not continuing this - I got bogged down on another project I really must get this resolved.
I have noticed a common thread here - i connected to about 5 difference instances each with a number of custom modules - and each time i connected and searched for custom modules - only 5 would come up - just like in your screen shot.
Is there some kind on limit on the number of custom modules that are being found?
Please have a look at this - would be much appreciated -- we are code partners (604media) and would really like to confidently recommend this official plugin to our clients.
Thanks for your support
7 years ago
Hi Mjel70
The answer is that there really shouldn't be a limit to the number of modules shown; I'll have a wee check later today to ensure there isn't, but I don't believe there is. We have a new release which will be out shortly; it doesn't contain anything that specifically addresses your issue, but nevertheless archiving to custom modules should be significantly improved.
7 years ago
thanks Simon - wouldn't make any sense to limit to 5 of course - but it seems no matter which instance i connect the plugin to - only 5 custom modules are displayed.
do you have an ETA on new version -- as you may know - we are code partners - so please don't hesitate to call upon us for assistance with testing and any related support on this plugin - beyond the actual coding that is - as we don't have microsoft office devs in the talent pool.
7 years ago
7 years ago
Hello Simon,
Any word on this - i noticed other customers have had the same issues with not being able to connect to their custom modules --- i have many custom modules have have activities and history sub-panels
6 years ago
Hello, I am following up on this - do we have a new version to test yet? - i was dealing directly with your team support:
6 years ago
Do we have any update on this custom module archiving feature - seems this was reported 5 months ago. An update would be much appreciated.
6 years ago
This seems to be a recurring issue in several other cases submitted - do we have any word on this feature fix.
6 years ago
Hello Simon,
I just got an email on this ticket but I don't see an update. Has there been any progress in fixing the Custom Module email archiving?
5 years ago
Hi there,
This ticket will be closed over due to inactivity.
We recommend upgrading to the latest version of the plugin to ensure you stay up to date with new feature and bug releases, however, if you are still experiencing an issue in the latest version please open a new ticket with reference to this one.
SuiteCRM Outlook Plugin Team