Official SuiteCRM Outlook Plugin v4 has arrived - Compatible with the Outlook Web App or Outlook 2016+ connected to Office365 or Exchange Server 2016. A complete rebuild developed and maintained by SuiteCRM developers, the addon retains previous functionality while massively improves performance, reliability and stability!
#1802 - SuiteCRM not accepting login credentials.
Trying to login from the outlook plugin returns the following: CRM Server error 10 (Invalid Login): Login attempt failed please check the username and password
We've tried it with LDAP Authentication on and off, and still get the same error.
We upgraded all the way to Suite CRM 7.11.2. The password is getting MD5 hashed and then sent to the server. We can see that traffic, but what we bottomed out at is that we don't really know what we need to put into the LDAP "password encryption key" field. We tried an LDAP encryption key on the CRM server and the outlook plugin, but it didn't seem to work.
We are running Outlook Add-In version, and .Net version 4.7
6 years ago
Hi there,
Are you able to see any invalid login attempts on the SuiteCRM logs when it is on DEBUG error level?
Yes, the LDAP encryption key should be the same one used on the SuiteCRM Password Management settings.
Have you got any unique LDAP settings like Group Membership etc?
6 years ago
As far as encryption key we tried DEADBEEF on the server and the outlook plugin and no dice. It isn't even clear what encryption type is being used. There is no guidance about what key we're supposed to use. Can it be any string? Any hex string? What should we put in the server and outlook settings?
I have DEBUG logs. Just ran again and we're seeing
I don't think it should have the
suffix on the name.6 years ago
Hi there,
Here is a PR that may help highlight some things for you.
The Outlook plugin does work with this encryption as we have a few clients using LDAP. But obviously we can understand people different set ups.
Regards to the the binding user, yes then that certainly shouldn't be the case. Are you able to send us DEBUG logs of the Outlook Plugin (not the above SuiteCRM logs) that can not authenticate the user. You need to set the error log to DEBUG via the Add-in settings and Save before trying to test the connection. Send those logs to outlook[at]salesagility[dot]com and referencing this ticket.
6 years ago
Well, it turns out that the full user name like
didn't actually cause the issue, but was instead those padding zeros.6 years ago
So, we hacked the heck out of
and found that it was 0-padding the$password
parameter out to 16 characters. I wrote the following snippet at the top ofauthenticateUser
to strip any trailing 0's:Now authentication is working.
6 years ago
SuiteCRM 7.11.2. Outlook Add-In version .Net version 4.7
6 years ago
Thanks for your input. As there are two different accounts on this case. Can you confirm the version of SuiteCRM you are using so we can investigate it as a core issue?
6 years ago
Hi there,
Did you get our last reply?
As there are two different accounts on this case. Can you confirm the version of SuiteCRM you are using so we can investigate it as a core issue?
If you could get back to us that would be great!
6 years ago
Apologies for clicking the wrong reply button, but I did reply. Anyways, here's the info again:
"SuiteCRM 7.11.2. Outlook Add-In version .Net version 4.7"
5 years ago
Hi there,
This ticket will be closed over due to inactivity.
We recommend upgrading to the latest version of the plugin to ensure you stay up to date with new feature and bug releases, however, if you are still experiencing an issue in the latest version please open a new ticket with reference to this one.
SuiteCRM Outlook Plugin Team