Bidirectionally sync Products, Contacts, Invoices and Quotes between SuiteCRM & QuickBooks online.
Which versions of the QuickBooks will this work?
SuiteCRM QuickBooks Integration works for QuickBooks online and SuiteCRM version 7.8.* to 7.10.*
Will the Integration work for QuickBooks desktop as well?
No, the package doesn't support QuickBooks desktop.
What are the prerequisite for QuickBooks SuiteCRM Integration?
The product requires ionCube Loaders to activate in your SuiteCRM.
Why the information fails to sync?
The mandatory fields in QuickBooks and SuiteCRM need to be mapped. And all the required fields need to be mapped to sync the information between QuickBooks and SuiteCRM.
Why license key is failing?
Here are a few common reasons that a key may not work:
- Your server cannot connect to Please make sure that the firewall allows a connection to that address.
- php_curl is not enabled on the server. This is a PHP library that can be enabled to make that license check.
- On the server in the CRM installation the config_override.php file in the root directory of the install is not writeable.