by Smackcoders

Bidirectionally sync Products, Contacts, Invoices and Quotes between SuiteCRM & QuickBooks online.

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Module Sync Rules

To sync the Contacts, Invoices and Products the following rules and mandatory requirements need to be followed. The rules & mandatory information listed are the standards & limitations of QuickBooks.

Contact Module Requirements:

  • The DisplayName, Title, GivenName, MiddleName, and FamilyName attributes do not have colon (:), tab (\t), or newline (\n) characters.
  • The DisplayName attribute must be unique across all other customers, employee, and vendor objects.
  • The PrimaryEmailAddress attribute must have (@) at sign and (.) dot.
  • For Title, maximum 15 chars allowed.
  • For GivenName, maximum 25 chars allowed.
  • For Middle Name, maximum 25 chars allowed.
  • For Family Name, maximum 25 chars allowed.
  • For, Suffix maximum 10chars allowed.
  • Company Name do not exceed 50 charts.
  • Phones should have only numbers & should not exceed 21 characters.

Product Module Requirement:

  • Name can have 100 characters at the maximum.
  • SKU can have alpha numeric characters with maximum 100 chars.
  • IncomeAccount in SuiteCRM is mandatory for Inventory and Service Item Type in QuickBooks
  • ExpenseAccount in SuiteCRM is mandatory for Inventory, Non Inventory and Service Item type in QuickBooks.
  • AssetAccount is mandatory in SuiteCRM.

Note: If you have mapped the Account incorrectly then you will be receiving a error report from QuickBooks.

Invoice Module Requirement:

  • An Invoice must have at least one Line either for a sales item or inline subtotal.
  • An Invoice must have Customer populated.
  • Invoice must be related with Products and Customer.
  • If you haven’t mentioned ShipAddr, BillAddr, or both then the appropriate customer address from the referenced Customer object is used to fill those values.
  1. jyotiraghavsingh93 member avatar


    6 years ago

    what i invoice has service line item , will it not sync properly then?

  2. jyotiraghavsingh93 member avatar


    6 years ago

    also I have added two product line items and then sync them , updated correct in QB ,

    then again update invoice in crm , delete those line items (one of them) , and added others ,

    now in QB , all line items started showing , even deleted ones after sync,

    how to fix this bug?

  3. Smackcoders member avatar

    Smackcoders Provider

    6 years ago

    Hi Jyothi,

    We do have support only for the Products sync and doesn't support Service line item. And for the product line item sync issue, kindly share us your SuiteCRM credentials at support[at]smackcoders[dot]com, we will help you.

    Regards, Anna

  4. berndene member avatar


    6 years ago

    hi there,

    I'm trying to install our qb integration module, but apparently need the ioncube loader loaded on the server. Our installation is in a bitnami docker file.. Is there maybe an ioncube module i can load directly on suitecrm or an extention for the docker file.. Any advise would be appreciated

    • Smackcoders member avatar

      Smackcoders Provider

      6 years ago

      Hi Berndene,

      Thank you very much for your purchase.

      I found the below link on installing ionCube loader in Bitnami. I hope this will help you with the installation.

      If you need any further assistance, please do write to us at support[at]smackcoders[dot]com.

      Regards, Anna

  5. berndene member avatar


    6 years ago

    Good Morning,

    Anna, thanks for your previous reply, we're all set now with the sync

    Now another topic..

    I'm firstly trying to push a Quote to Quickbooks (hoping it will pull through as an estimate/quote on quickbooks) Secondly trying to push Invoice to Quickbooks

    But for both I receive the following error: Business Validation Error: Please enter at least one line item.

    I do have line items in both quotes and invoices

    -Another thing, can I setup the rules that only Admin can push quotes/invoices to QB

    Your assistance would be appreciated

    • Smackcoders member avatar

      Smackcoders Provider

      6 years ago

      The Invoice and Quotes are related to both the Contact & Product. So, to sync Invoice or Quotes, the Contacts & Products need to be bidirectionally synced to keep both application updated. This will help you get the line item when you sync Invoice or Quotes.

      Now, we do not have option to setup rules, please do write to us at support[at]smackcoders[dot]com. We will help you!

      Regards, Anna

    • berndene member avatar


      6 years ago

      Hi Anna, I've imported the contacts from a CSV file as the Quickbooks sync didn't sync sufficient data we need (ex, billing/shipping adress, additional phone nr's and Customer VAT nr's, also quickbooks online doesn't have field for sales rep) If we do sync our contacts from crm to quickbooks, will it duplicate data in quickbooks, or only update?

      Does the contacts need to be synced to be able to push the invoice/quote to QB, or only products?

    • berndene member avatar


      6 years ago

      Hi Anna,

      I really think I'm going to opt for the 30 day money back guarentee as this sync is really not working for me

      Firstly - The Products sync It duplicates what I already pulled in - and it does not allow categories only 10% synced as it gave an error - qty on hand not valid - all our products have a starting qty and a qty on hand total - so it doesn't make sense

      Secondly, What is the point to sync a contact and not an account When i synced contacts it made a huge list of contacts in my qb - but as persons not companies (which is already in qb under their respective accounts/companies) so i had to go delete all that PERSONS under my companies in qb

      Thirdly, Now i need to sync the above Products and Contacts (which already is not syncing correctly) to qb before I can push a invoice or quote So then I need to push an invoice to a PERSON and not the company?

      This is causing more headaches than i would've imagined and rather imported products and ACCOUNTS via a csv file - which was much neater

    • Smackcoders member avatar

      Smackcoders Provider

      6 years ago

      Hi Berndene,

      The support for Accounts sync is in development pipeline. We will get it implemented in our next release. I will keep you updated when it is available.

      Regards, Anna

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