Save time for your Sales Representatives and Teammates by linking your subscribed OVH VoIP offers with all SuiteCRM phone fields, allowing them to establish a connection with a contact with just a single click on the phone number! Requires a valid OVH Enterprise VOIP subscription.
Who can subscribe to OVH VoIP offers ?
Although OVH offers lines located in 6 countries Belgium, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, and United Kingdom, VOIP offers are visible only for now on and websites. As the customer portal (called Manager) is hosted on, we think that any European customer could see the telecom domain on the manager.
We have asked the question to OVH Sales Representative to update this FAQ as soon as we get the answer.
What is the offers compatible with the module
Only VoIP Enterprise and VoIP Mobile offers are compatible with the module, as we need to have the enterprise features pack enabled (click2call is part of this package) You can check the differences between the 3 offers on OVH website (french)
What this module do ?
This module will connect to OVH Apis, and make API calls to initialize a dial-in process of your CRM phone numbers stored into the database, with the specified VOIP line in Admin settings.
Thus if your Sales Representative has his office phone right next to him, the phone will automatically wake up and establish the connexion with the customer. No need for manual dial-in anymore !
Is there any additional fee when using Click2Call ?
Of course, we will not bill for each call issued using our module. Otherwise, you should look at OVH terms & conditions regarding your offer. If you're dialing international numbers or mobile phones, OVH could invoice you for the communication like if you had manually dial in the contact.
OVH is present on US and North America : is the VOIp offers available
OVH has in deed opened Datacenters in these countries. But they are only offering the Hosting services for now. Thus, the API hosted on US.API.OVH.COM and CA.API.OVH.COM does not have any /telephony API available right now. If OVH decided to setup a commercial offer for these territories we will update the module to allow the API endpoint selection for these regions.
Where the button will be displayed
The button will be displayed on Detail View only. For now it appears on both desktop version and mobile version of the website, but we are looking for the possibility to hide the button on mobile (as you are likely not to be present next to your phone !) or automatically dialin the CRM contact right on your mobile number. (additional fees will always be invoiced by OVH that's why we have not yet enabled this option)