Save time for your Sales Representatives and Teammates by linking your subscribed OVH VoIP offers with all SuiteCRM phone fields, allowing them to establish a connection with a contact with just a single click on the phone number! Requires a valid OVH Enterprise VOIP subscription.
Release Notes
Version 1.6
- Installer now backups files changed in custom folder (the smarty sugar function to hold phone numbers, and a controller to initialize the call) if user has already a customized version of the file (no file with out of the box SuiteCRM experience)
- The installer will prompt a warning (and log a warning as well) to invite admin to check the backuped file and report any user code customization into our module's base code
Version 1.55
- Click2Call button is not displayed anymore if user is not enabled in admin configuration (the server code was already ignoring the call but the button left displayed on screen doing nothing!)
- Admin page only list VOIP Enterprise lines numbers. If a group only contains "Essentials Offer" lines, the group will explicitly mention that there's no lines usable in the group
Version 1.5
- Created a full admin configuration pannel, to generate tokens and then configure user by user the activation and configuration of C2C
Version 1.3
- Only display the button on Detail View
Version 1.2
- Enable Licence validation
Version 1.1
- Switch to AJAX call for establish the connexion
Version 1.0
- Initial Release