Discover everything about your customers and account starting from their first interaction with you to the average revenue generated by each of them. The plugin will empower you with the ability to improve each interaction with your customers and nurture long-term professional relationships with them.
Some of the functionalities are related with e-commerce so first we need to purchase that plugin and install it ? Ans : Yes, some examples of e-commerce plugins that need to be purchased and installed include Magento, Woo Commerce, and Shopify.
Without ecommerce addon is this plugin work ? Ans : Yes, you get all the default module features in that.
why e-commerce plugins we need to install if we want to use e-commerce related functionalities ? Ans : Because we have given sync related API's into that plugin only, for example: Magento, Woo Commerce.
What additional functionalities we get if we use e-commerce plugin like Magento, Woo Commerce? Ans : you can see below screenshots for more information