Gain Visibility to FreshBooks Accounting Details in SuiteCRM
[Video Tutorial]: Creating User-Defined Functions in Sapiens.BI for SuiteCRM
Collaborate with Teams in a Social Workplace Platform Built for SuiteCRM
Distribute Leads Equally with Round Robin Assignment
Turn Online Visitors into SuiteCRM Leads with FreshChat
Duplicate Detector
Find Duplicates BEFORE You Save! Instead of waiting until after you enter a new record's information to know if it's a duplicate, know after the first field if you're working on a duplicate. Say NO to redundant data! Improve your SuiteCRM data quality by being prompted of duplicat...
Boru Email Linker
If you use SuiteCRM and want all of your company emails to automatically show up under the appropriate CRM contact/account, you have found the right product. Boru Email Linker enables you to use your preferred email platform while conveniently linking emails with your SuiteCRM platform.
Lead Scoring
Brainvire Infotech has created the Lead Scoring plugin for sales teams, helping SuiteCRM users score and rate leads based on specific conditions and all essential CRM data. This solution will help salespeople achieve their targets by focusing on leads that can truly help the business grow.
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