Your Unrestricted Way for Uploading Multiple File Types to SuiteCRM
If you are dealing with the standard CRM file uploading restrictions, there is a better way to manage the various file types you need access to. With the Multiple File Upload add-on for SuiteCRM, gain the ability to upload multiple file types, documents, and images directly in your CRM.
Customize Your SuiteCRM Email Retrieval Process for Easier Reference
Email Sync add-on for SuiteCRM provides users a way to customize their personal email inbox to send, receive, view, and store emails for convenient retrieval and reference at any point in time.
Suite Mastermind Compiles Helpful Customer Research in SuiteCRM
Create accounts, contacts, and leads in seconds by just entering an email address or domain name from anywhere in SuiteCRM. Keep track of the last connected date for leads and contacts and easily create tasks for follow ups.
Build Your Sales Pipeline with an Intuitive Leads Management Tool for SuiteCRM
Mokas LeadsPipe is an intuitive and powerful leads management tool for your SuiteCRM. Developed after several customer requests, it follows the same format of our popular sales management solution, Mokas SalesPipe.
From Logins to Created Records, Track CRM Users' Daily Activities
Track your SuiteCRM users’ daily activities for actions such as: logins and logouts, plus viewed, created, updated, and deleted records with user’s IP. There is also a helpful chart in the dashboard to monitor activity.
Random Spotlight
Multiple Fields
The Multiple Fields add-on for SuiteCRM allows you to add dynamic fields and panels on the fly when adding records to a form, while working in any module.
MTS User Activity Log
MTS User Activity Log is a tool that helps SuiteCRM admins easily track their users’ activities while working in the system. Another key feature is the ability for admins to revert or restore any record that has been updated or accidentally deleted by another user.
Electronic signatures provide a binding way to authenticate a document. It can also be quite the process to attach an encoded signature to an electronic document. We have simplified this in SuiteCRM with an easy-to-use electronic signature capture and embed tool. No need for any external signing sof...
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