Send and Receive Messages from Telegram Bot within SuiteCRM

Posted by on June 27, 2023
Telegram Integration allows your SuiteCRM Leads, Contacts, and Opportunity records to send and receive messages with Telegram Bot from the CRM itself.

How a Customer Portal for SuiteCRM Improves Service and Support

Posted by on June 20, 2023
For a business dipping its toes in streamlining its operations, SuiteCRM gives the most value. It is feature packed and built robustly, so users need not worry about things breaking, and they can get hands-on experience with using a CRM. Let’s look at some of the benefits of SuiteCRM to see how it can fit into a company’s workflow and make it better.

Try These 3 Engaging Automated Email Campaigns

Posted by on May 24, 2023
It’s no secret that automated campaigns are one of the best ways to engage your subscribers and increase your reach. The team at Fanatical Labs will cover 3 excellent email campaigns you can start now to boost your marketing and increase sales.

Connect Your Outlook Emails with SuiteCRM Using Email Archiver

Posted by on May 17, 2023
With the Email Archiver add-on, you can save all the emails you want in SuiteCRM and assign them to your Contacts, Accounts, Leads, and Opportunities. Use this extension without any user limits!

Introducing the SuiteCRM Integration with Microsoft Teams by Implicit, Inc.

Posted by on May 9, 2023
Implicit's deep integration with Microsoft Teams turns it into an efficient and productive CRM collaboration platform. It enables your sales, marketing, and support teams to discuss CRM topics, gather information from colleagues in real-time, exchange ideas, and receive feedback.