QuickCRM Mobile gives you access to SuiteCRM on your mobile, your tablet (iPhone, iPad, Android) or your laptop with QuickCRM native apps available on App Store, Google Play and Windows Store.
#1740 - Signature Field
Hi guys, I received requests from people trialing our latest module signature that was not compatible with QuickCRM We have out of the box mobile/responsive version compatibility but seems customers wants to be able to use signature field directly from your app.
I have issued a demo key of the signature module. Could you please have a look if it is possible for you to add the field in a next release on your roadmap ?
Thank you in advance for your answer
6 years ago
Thanks. We will certainly implement that, but we will not do that as high priority as we already support another signature module.
Best regards
6 years ago
FYI, it will be supported in next version (later this month). Better than on SuiteCRM as : - We support Inline edit - We add an erase button to clear whatever has been signed.
6 years ago
Thanks for your quick feedback. Could you please just update as soon as the version is available ?
Glad to see you don't have the same constraints in QuickCRM as the one inherited from SuiteCRM engine that does not allow us for QuickEditing to have anything else than text in the inlineEditing AfterSave feedback :(
The reset button has been intentionally not put in the field as signature is something that engage a customer, we don't want to be able to "erase" a customer engagement or data. So this is up to you but the feature should not be integrated right now (we are planning to add field's options in an upcoming release whereas the admin will be able to select or not some extra behaviors)
Best regards
6 years ago
Actually, we have this erase button during first edit if the person didn't sign well. After it is saved, this field becomes readonly.
6 years ago
Yes that was on my todo list, as you supported it really quickly, i developped the feature this morning V2.60 just popout our factory and is uploaded on SugarOutfitters.
By the way thanks for your really prompt feedback.
6 years ago
I forgot an important benefit of QuickCRM: You can sign in Offline mode !
5 years ago
Hi, We have released our new version two days ago and notified all our customers of that new feature