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#779 - Installation Issues

Closed Bug? created by johnsparks50 7 years ago

Your documentation is not correct for the installation.

Verified-pre-install.JPG version.JPG

I don't what version this is but the version install is 7.9.7

There is no module upload module in the admin panel.

How do I install RT GSync to this addon to 7.9.7?

  1. johnsparks50 member avatar


    7 years ago

    That last message sent to quick. The instruction to install is not correct. The upgrade wizard isn't working to install the module as well.

  2. jason member avatar


    7 years ago


    Hopping in until Rolustech can follow up. Look for the Module Installer on the Admin page. From there you can upload your zip and install the module.

    Let me know how that goes here.

    Thanks, Jason Eggers The SuiteCRM Store

  3. johnsparks50 member avatar


    7 years ago

    I've installed it but the key isn't working.

    • jason member avatar


      7 years ago

      Good. Making progress!

      What message do you get back when you attempt to validate the key?

      Some things to try:

      • Make sure the key doesn't have any extra spaces before or after
      • Make sure your server can connect to
      • Make sure that php_curl is enabled on your server
      • Make sure config_override.php is writable in the root directory of your SuiteCRM installation

      Hope this helps! -Jason

    • johnsparks50 member avatar


      7 years ago

      Thanks Jason,

      This is the error I'm getting on my screen now. can you tell me what I need to do next?

      CRM RTGsync-error.PNG

    • jason member avatar


      7 years ago

      Rolustech, could you please help out here?

      It looks like it worked, but for some reason you have the result showing. I'm not sure what's going on, but it feels like it is file permissions related that caused this to be display as an error.

      I'm going to defer to RT GSync support here.

      Thank you, Jason Eggers SugarOutfitters

  4. rolustech member avatar

    Rolustech Provider Affiliate

    7 years ago


    Thank you Jason for helping out.

    @johnsparks50, we have uploaded an updated package. We suggest you uninstall the current package completely and then download and install the new package on to your SuiteCRM. The new package is by the name "rtgsync-RT_GSync_SuiteCRM_V3.5.1".

    Feel free to contact us on if you have any questions or face any issues.

  5. johnsparks50 member avatar


    7 years ago

    Hi Rolustech Provider,

    I'm Sysadmin for John.

    1. I did a complete reinstall of SuiteCRM enter image description here

    2. Installed 3.5 RTGsync enter image description here

    3. Tried to install 3.5.1 RTG and got this... ZIP Error(0): Status(9): Arhive(upload:// Directory(/home/semseo/

    4. Checked the schedule to see if it installed. enter image description here

    5. RT Gsync User Configuration - Link code error enter image description here

    6. The Licence Key is in but users will not propagate. enter image description here

    Please inform us of the next step thank you.

  6. johnsparks50 member avatar


    7 years ago

    5.5 User Config is a blank page when you click on it.

  7. rolustech member avatar

    Rolustech Provider Affiliate

    a year ago

    The package and documentation has been updated. Case closed.

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