by Implicit Inc.

Implicit FrontEnd provides deep integration with Microsoft Outlook. In addition to full two-way synchronization of Outlook data such as contacts and calendars, it allows you to sync CRM data including accounts, opportunities, quotes etc. so that you can do all your CRM work without leaving Outlook. In addition, FrontEnd allows you to leverage the rich Outlook functionality to provide tools such as manual and automatic email archiving, collaboration and approval, opportunity tracking and more.

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#1111 - Auto archive emails to Account profiles

Closed Bug? created by rahuljain 6 years ago

Hi Guys,

It would be really great if you could please let me know whether auto archiving of emails to Accounts profile currently exists OR is it a new feature request? If its an existing feature, its not working for me and would greatly appreciate your help.

Thanks, Rahul

  1. Implicit member avatar

    Implicit Inc. Provider

    6 years ago

    That functionality exists. See

  2. rahuljain member avatar


    6 years ago

    Thanks. The current functionality allows for auto archiving of emails to selected Accounts i.e. for each account we would need to setup the auto archiving rule. Given we have 11,000 accounts, it won't be feasible to do this for each of them.

    Is it possible for the system to have default auto archiving of emails to all the Accounts where there is matching email address exist in the CRM?

    We do not want to sync Accounts/Contacts/Leads between Outlook and CRM. All our Account/Lead/Contact creation/update/delete happens in CRM and we would like to keep it that way.

    All we would like is that:

    • Calls/Meetings/Tasks in CRM to sync (both ways) with Outlook calendar

    • Any email sent or received in Outlook gets automatically archived to matching Account, Lead and Contact in CRM. To take an extreme example, in case same email address exist for an account, a lead and a contact, then the incoming or outgoing emails to that email address would be attached to all the three records in CRM and show up in their "History" panel. However, if its only possible to attach it to one record, then the order of preference would be to attach it to Account first, and if no matching Account found then to attach it to matching Lead and if no matching Lead found, then to attach it to matching Contact.

    I'm currently evaluating the plugin for ~100 users of CRM in our organisation.

    If you could please get back to me about how much of our requirements the plugin would be able to achieve, that would be really great.

    Please let me know your contact email address if you prefer, rather than discussing in this open forum.

    Kind regards, Rahul

  3. Implicit member avatar

    Implicit Inc. Provider

    6 years ago

    Hi Rahul,

    1. The answer is yes. If you want to archive email based on matching email addresses, just create two rules: 'Any Contact' and 'Any Lead'. This way FrontEnd will query in real-time whether the email addresses of the sender and/or recipients correspond to contacts/leads in SuiteCRM. If a match is found the emails will be archived and linked to the contact and its respective account record. In the case of lead it will be linked to the lead record.

    2. You don't have to sync Accounts/Contacts/Leads for this to happen. You can select 'tethered mode' which means that the matching will be done by sending a real-time query to SuiteCRM.

    3. You can sync Calls/Meetings/Tasks bidirectionally with Outlook

    You are welcome to continue this thread by sending an email to

    • rahuljain member avatar


      6 years ago

      Thanks guys, this is great. Only challenge is that our Accounts do not have any associated contacts. In that case, how the auto archiving of emails to Account records would happen.

      Cheers, Rahul

    • Implicit member avatar

      Implicit Inc. Provider

      6 years ago

      I am afraid there is no way to create auto-arching rules based on accounts only without contacts.

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