by Simbanic

Dropdown Importer add-on allows importing a large list of values for the SuiteCRM dropdown just by uploading the CSV file. SuiteCRM user can save lots of time by using this add-on in place of the Dropdown editor of the SuiteCRM.

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Support Cases Author Status Type
#5440 Does not work with SuiteCRM 8.6.1 - After installing licence key will not validate and I receive a blank page when i try to use the impo jonnie00 Open Bug?
#5032 Not working with version 8.3.1 - Hi, this module is not compatible with version 8.3.1. After adding the license key and click the a lcharbonnier Open Bug?
#4815 Not working with version 8.2.4 - Hi, the module is not working with version 8.2.4. After adding the license key and click the activat Open Bug?
#2844 Pricing - Hi I would like to ask if you have any options for discount. We are based in South Africa, and thi grantjoyce1 Open General Question
#2504 Dropdown trail - I download this 30 days TRIAL prg/module. I work with LOCAL installed Bitnami SuiteCRM 7.6.4. So my petrovlis3 Closed Installation
#2060 Dropdown importer bug - Hi, I imported a list through csv file but my list is uploaded to Suite CRM without the right order crm2 Closed Bug?
#1352 Keeping it installed for 2 weeks to give company a chance to redeem themselves. - How can a simple plug-in such so much - it would have been easier to make a script to convert the da markephillips Closed Bug?
#1351 Template CSV and importing errors make this tool unusable and a complete waste of time. - This is the template example they give: "Key","Value" "Key_1","Aa1~`!@#$%^&*(),{[]}?/\'|" Thi markephillips Closed Bug?
#1017 license key not saving - Hi, I am unable to use this module. The error message I get is related to the License Key not saving whitecoat Closed Bug?