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Official SuiteCRM Outlook Plugin v4 has arrived - Compatible with the Outlook Web App or Outlook 2016+ connected to Office365 or Exchange Server 2016. A complete rebuild developed and maintained by SuiteCRM developers, the addon retains previous functionality while massively improves performance, reliability and stability!

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#5423 - Plugin "forgets" license key

In Progress Bug? created by bayoonet Verified Purchase 7 months ago

As already described in Ticket #4909 - Licence key wiped from plugin admin screen, the ghost is back and the error has been occurring now daily in our installation for 3 days. Quick Repair and Rebuild was performed.

SuiteCRM version 7.14.3 Plugin version 4.2.1

Thanks for investigation or any hints to resolve this issue

  1. suitecrm member avatar

    SuiteCRM Provider Affiliate

    7 months ago

    Hi there,

    Thanks for raising this issue, we will test this ourselves and we will come back to you to update you on whether this is a bug or possibly a problem just with your plugin.

    Thanks, The Outlook Plugin Team

  2. suitecrm member avatar

    SuiteCRM Provider Affiliate

    6 months ago

    We have been unable to replicate the issue you have reported. Would it be possible to send us the suitecrm log files covering the period when the key is wiped? If so you can send the logs to outlook [at]

  3. bayoonet member avatar

    bayoonet Verified Purchase

    6 months ago

    One of our developers looked at the problem and examined the "validate ($key)" function a little more closely. This function is called when the "Validate & Save Key" button is pressed in the SuiteCRM web interface for the Outlook plugin and when the class is initialized. The latter happens very often and if validation fails just once, the license key is replaced by an empty string. This means that re-validation is no longer possible later.

    It could be that if, for example, the internet connection is unstable or the license server is overloaded at the time the function is called, the plugin loses its license information. After realizing this, he rewrote the function for testing purposes so that the key is only saved when the button is pressed. This helps to prevent the license key from being lost. On the other hand, this patch is "quick & dirty" and is only intended to demonstrate where the problem lies.

    We hope that this has provided a suggestion for a regular patch for the Outlook plugin. We have included both versions of the function - the original and the one we adapted - as screenshots for illustration purposes.

    suitecrm-outlook-plugin_original.png suitecrm-outlook-plugin_patched.png

  4. suitecrm member avatar

    SuiteCRM Provider Affiliate

    6 months ago

    Thanks for your response and detailed description of the issue you face. We will investigate this further and add some mitigation to better handle the situation when the validation server is unresponsive.

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