by SuiteCRM

Official SuiteCRM Outlook Plugin v4 has arrived - Compatible with the Outlook Web App or Outlook 2016+ connected to Office365 or Exchange Server 2016. A complete rebuild developed and maintained by SuiteCRM developers, the addon retains previous functionality while massively improves performance, reliability and stability!

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#4212 - ADD-IN ERROR: A problem occurred while trying to reach this add-in

Closed Bug? created by franklinian 2 years ago

Our SuiteCRM instance (v.7.11.18) resides behind our firewall and is not public, but the manifest file uses our local hostname "". How can we troubleshoot this? Thank you.

  1. franklinian member avatar


    2 years ago

    We are testing this both on an MS365 exchange account and also an Intermedia hosted exchange account. Same error is received in both instances. FYI.

  2. franklinian member avatar


    2 years ago

    Event Viewer returned this error:

    Add-in Error A problem occurred while trying to reach this add-in. P1: Apps for Office P2: 16.0.14931.20128 P3: 0x194 P4:

  3. suitecrm member avatar

    SuiteCRM Provider Affiliate

    2 years ago

    Good morning,

    The push portion of the outlook plugin (Outlook Add-In) will require a path back to your instance to push the data. How to achieve this depends upon your infrastructure.

    Alternatively the Graph API functionality will operate without an inbound route to the CRM.

    • franklinian member avatar


      2 years ago

      Based on what I've read so far, our setup should not be a problem since our Outlook clients can reach our SuiteCRM instance.

      How do you suggest we proceed?

  4. suitecrm member avatar

    SuiteCRM Provider Affiliate

    2 years ago

    Testing from one of the machines where outlook is installed, what is the response when accessing the following url from their web browser? https://{suitecrm_instance_url}/Api/access_token

    • franklinian member avatar


      2 years ago

      We have had to move to another solution and unfortunately have no more time to devote to trying to make this work right now. Hope to be able to try this plugin again the future.

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