Official SuiteCRM Outlook Plugin v4 has arrived - Compatible with the Outlook Web App or Outlook 2016+ connected to Office365 or Exchange Server 2016. A complete rebuild developed and maintained by SuiteCRM developers, the addon retains previous functionality while massively improves performance, reliability and stability!
#4195 - plugin error outlook
Hello, after the installation of the plugin, the plugin in outlook doesn't work, "plugin error: this plugin may not load properly, but you can still try to start it" Suite CRM: Version 7.10.27 / Sugar Version 6.5.25
3 years ago
What version of the module have you installed in SuiteCRM?
Please provide further detail on how you reach this error, what steps did you take and did you experience any other issues along the way?
2 years ago
It is version V4
The installation seems to be correct until the installation of the plugin in outlook with the manifest, When I launch the plugin in outlook I get a popup: "plugin error: Something went wrong and the plugin could not be started correctly. Please try again later or contact your system administrator" The plugin doesn't work, and I can't do step 13 or 14. Neither does plugin authentication.
2 years ago
What is your SuiteCRM log level set to and are there any messages which may be related in the log file, around the time when you try to install and authenticate the outlook add-in?
2 years ago
when I install "SuiteCRM Outlook Plugin 4.0" in Suite CRM module Loader, I have all kinds of log level, Wans, Error, Debug, etc. But the installation is done correctly with the Installation Guide. And when I install the manifest as a plugin in Outlook and I run it, I get a popup: "plugin error: Something went wrong and the plugin could not be started correctly. Please try again later or contact your system administrator" .
2 years ago
i have the same problem. Im using MS 365 and also V 7.11.10 / V4. Note both the CRM and my machine are on the same VPN
2 years ago
This problem was solved, the URLs generated in the manifest had to be changed, because they were wrong. But now CRM authentication doesn't work in outlook
2 years ago
We need more information to be able to assist you on this topic
2 years ago
Hi, this problem was solved. The problem was the "OAuth2 Clients and Tokens" configuration. Finally the plugin works properly.
2 years ago
Hi, Thanks for letting us know. Glad you found the issue are all set up now!
2 years ago
Hello, I have a similar problem: All installation steps as of your docu were completed successfully. In Outlook web app, I do not get to the step where I could authenticate the Add-in (Error message same as above: "plugin error: Something went wrong and the plugin could not be started correctly. Please try again later or contact your system administrator"")
The SuiteCRM logfile says: Tue Jun 21 17:05:03 2022 [544055][1][ERROR] [Outlook Graph API] Client error:
resulted in a404 Not Found
responseCan you please advise? Many thanks!
2 years ago
Thanks for reporting this issue, our development team are investigating