Sapiens.BI helps you produce effective reports with charts in a fast and easy way. It is a Sugar and SuiteCRM BI plug-in with powerful reporting capabilities, ease of use, elegant design, and a quick and easy setup. This Reporting Tool is easy to use, there is no need for technical knowledge or SQL. The Sapiens.BI tool comes with over 100 pre-built reports.
New upgrade with new cool features of Sapiens.BI PRO (August 17, 2017)
We are happy to announce the latest upgrade of Sapiens.BI PRO version with the following new features added:
- Generate PDF output directly from your formatted Excel
- Grand Totals are added in case data are split across several pages
- Calculate % from Total
- Disabling permissions for PDF and Excel export for read-only users
- Identify your own ranges for report summaries
- Search added for user/group selection on sharing & scheduling
- German translation of User Interface is now available
Please read the detailed visualized instruction for more detailed information.