by iDevIT

Sudo Login (or Masquerade) allows Administrators to log in as any regular user without asking for their password and without disconnecting them. Specially useful for configuring their workspace (filters, reports, dashboard) or to support users (reproduce issues, help them step by step, etc).

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Admin Guide

Connect as another user

Sudo Login adds a new action for all CRM Administrators.

Depending on your theme, you'll find it on the top-left corner of the homepage : SudoLogin.png

Clicking the button will display a popup asking you to select the user you want to log in : Popup.png

Please note that Sudo Login only list : - Active users - Regular users

Select a User and then click "Sudo Login as this user" : SelectAndConfirmUser.png

You will be connected and then redirected to this user's homepage.

Disconnect from the user workspace

When you have finished configured the user's workspace (filters, reports, homepage, ...) you can logout and be back to your admin session in one click.

Simply go back to Homepage, and the "Sudo Login" action will be changed as "Disconnect" : Disconnect.png

Configuration options ?

Sudo Login is really straight forward. There's no configuration options available right now. If you have any feature request, please let us know.

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  • "Doesn't seem to work with SuiteCRM v8 (messes up the view and and makes the the homepage and top menu inaccessible)."

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