by eVolpe Consulting Group

Are you facing difficulties trying to coordinate efforts between marketing and sales? The SuiteCRM & Mautic Integrator by eVolpe is the best solution that will help you solve this issue. TRY IT NOW FOR FREE!

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Upgrade Guide

Mautic Plugin

Step 1: Disable cron entries

It is good to disable the cron jobs for a time of upgrade since it takes some time and in the mean time we don't want events to be triggered within application.

Run following command in your SSH console (for example responsible system user is www-data):

    crontab -e -u www-data

Disable following jobs from crontab (for example if Mautic instance directory path is: /var/www/my_mautic):

Form Mautic 4.X:

# *   *   *   *   *    /var/www/my_mautic/bin/console evolpe:sync:process
# *   *   *   *   *    /var/www/my_mautic/bin/console evolpe:historyactivity:process

Step 2: (Optional) Update Mautic

Before update it is best to backup database and files


Step 3: Replace eVolpe Plugin

Delete Mautic_directory/plugins/EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle directory You can run following commands in your SSH console:

    cd [Mautic_directory]/plugins/
    rm -r EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle

Step 4: Repeat steps from Installation Guide / Mautic Plugin

CRM Plugin

Step 1: (Optional) Upgrade SuiteCRM

  • Go to Module Loader and DISABLE Mautic Integrator
  • Perform the Upgrade as suggested by SuiteCRM Documentation
  • Go to Module Loader and ENABLE Mautic Integrator
  • Go to Administration -> Repair and perform "Quick Repair and Rebuild"

Step 2: Install new CRM integrator package

On CRM side you can install a new package as normal. DO NOT Uninstall the old one.

Make again steps from Installation Guide / CRM Plugin

Step 3: Adjust Connector settings for Mautic Version in CRM

Change Mautic Version to the current version

07. CRM - Connectors - Set Connector Properties.png

Mautic Plugin (Enable cron entries)

Enable Mautic cron entries again, just repeat step Configuration Guide / Mautic Plugin / Step 4: Add new jobs to crontab

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  • "Install and first test worked like a charm (well documented). Except for one little thing: In my environment there was an issue with database table cr..." - Endymion

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