Are you facing difficulties trying to coordinate efforts between marketing and sales? The SuiteCRM & Mautic Integrator by eVolpe is the best solution that will help you solve this issue. TRY IT NOW FOR FREE!
Release Notes
Version 4.4
- [CRM] Added Marketing Activities module Marketing Campaign Category field for reports
Fixed Bugs
- [CRM] Deactivated inline edit for Synchronization Mautic Status field on detail view and list view in Targets List module
- [CRM] Changed Target List module ID segment prefix from 'sugarcrm-' to 'crm-'
- [CRM] Fixed resynchronization scheduler
- [Mautic] Supporting Mautic new version 4.X (5.X support is currently work in progress)
- [Mautic] End of support for Mautic version 2.X and 3.X
- [CRM] Supporting Sugar new versions: 12.X and 13.0.X
- [CRM] Supporting SuiteCRM new versions: 7.13.X and 7.14.X (8.X support is currently work in progress)
- [CRM] End of support for Sugar versions: 9.0.X, 10.0.X and 11.0.X
- [CRM] End of support for SuiteCRM versions: 7.11.X, 7.12.X
Version 4.1
- [Mautic] Supporting Mautic up to version 4.1.X
- [Mautic] Added information about which correct cron-tab entries to setup in your Mautic instance for the integration to work properly
- [CRM] Supporting Sugar up to version 11.0.X
- [CRM] Supporting SuiteCRM up to version 7.12.X
- [CRM] If you go to Connector Settings -> Mautic Tab having unsupported Integrator Settings language (other than English en_us or Polish pl_PL) you will get appropriate message about need change language to English (instead empty labels)
- [CRM] If you go to Connector Field Mapping -> Mautic Tab and CRM cannot get actual fields from Mautic you will get appropriate message about error (then probably you need configure connection from CRM to Mautic and/or rebuild Mautic cache)
Fixed Bugs
- [Mautic] Getting Campaing data for Activity Integration (thanks to INSIGNIO)
- [Mautic] Fixed appear 'empty::value' in some of Contact fields
- [CRM] Labels: changed 'Prospects' to 'Targets' etc.
- [CRM] Labels: changed 'Synchronize this TargetList' to 'Synchronize as Mautic Segment'
- [CRM] Generating Mautic panels (including Mautic URL and Mautic Points) for enabled CRM Targets / Leads / Contacts in Integration
- [CRM] Generating Mautic action button 'Synchronize as Mautic Segment' in Target List record view
- [CRM] Integration of CRM Targets / Leads / Contacts with empty field will erase mapped field value in Mautic Contact
- [CRM] Disable Mautic fields from Mass Update on CRM Targets / Leads / Contacts (only integration from Mautic can change them)
- [CRM] Update CRM 'Opt-out' on primary email address did not update Mautic 'Do not contact' flag
- [Mautic & CRM] Refactor some parts of code
- [Mautic] Removed deprecated mautic:evolpe:sync console command for crontab, please use evolpe:sync:process console command
- [Mautic] Removed deprecated mautic:evolpe:historyactivity console command for crontab, please use evolpe:historyactivity:process console command
- [Mautic] Removed deprecated evolpe:sync:campaign console command for crontab, please use evolpe:campaigns:synchronize console command
- [Mautic] Support for Mautic version 4.2.X is currently work in progress
- [CRM] End of support for Sugar version 8.0.X
- [CRM] End of support for SuiteCRM version 7.10.X
Version 4.0
Fixed Bugs
- Minor bug fixes.
- Supporting Mautic 3 (from 3.1.2 version)
Version 3.12
Fixed Bugs
- Fixed: Prospects/Leads/Contacts in Target Lists not synchronizing from CRM to Mautic (after pressing "Synchronize this TargetList" button)
- Optimization: Synchronization of CRM Target List as Contacts Segment to Mautic in batches (previously CRM was sending the records one-by-one). The synchronization process of larger Target Lists is now faster.
SubVersion 3.11.234 (for CRM) & 3.11.113 (for Mautic)
Fixed Bugs
- Fixed: non-exist upload_date_start and upload_date_modified fields warnings
- Fixed: synchonizing Mautic old activities to CRM issues
- Fixed: single CRM Lead synchonizing to Mautic issues
Version 3.11
Fixed Bugs
- Fixed: Mautic to CRM override assigned user to given in our Plugin configuration in
- Fixed: CRM error occured while merging records by user not assigned to license
- Fixed: New Contact created in Mautic when integrated record in CRM have new primary email address set
- Fixed: cleaning CRM Type field in Mautic Contact when last CRM record related will be deleted
- Fixed: Target List synchronization issues
- Fixed: cleaning mapped fields in Mautic when cleaned in related CRM record while saving
- Fixed: when records in module enabled for integration was created, Business Rule via Business Process did not launched
- Fixed: when CRM without proper configuration with Mautic has launched Refresh Mautic OAuth Token Scheduler, it resulted with cron error
- Fixed: too many update requests in
table in CRM database during simple CRM usage
- Changed: Mautic Panel for Targets, Leads and Contacts and Synchronizing button for Targets Lists are now added using Extensions Framework
Version 3.10
- Added support for SugarCRM 9.0.X
- Added support for SuiteCRM 7.10.X and 7.11.X
Fixed Bugs
- Fixed Mautic to CRM synchronization interrupt while some Contact (queued to sync) will be deleted in Mautic
- Fixed trying to setup DNC (Do Not Contact) by Mautic on next (after current) record in synchornization queue in CRM
- Fixed trying to create instead of update a Marketing Campaign in CRM by Mautic, even if it already exists
- Fixed creating new Email Sent Activity for each Contact in Mautic Campaigns
- Added a new Mautic console command (and new cronjob): evolpe:sync:clean - It cleans all Mautic-to-CRM finished synchronization queue data older than 30 days (more information in Configuration Guide)
- Added an automatically resynchronization Mautic-to-CRM each failed synchronization queue data with synchronization date older than 3 hours
- Added a new ’Email Bounced’ type Marketing Activity related with emails bouncing in Mautic
- Added a new field ’Marketing Campaign Category’ in Marketing Activities module in CRM for records with type: Email Sent/Read (Opened)/Bounced. If Activity comes from Campaign, ’Marketing Campaign Category’ field will be filled with title of category - related with those Campaign in Mautic
- Added a new field ’Internal Name’ in Marketing Activities module in CRM for records with type: Email Sent/Read (Opened)/Bounced. This field will get value from related Template (for Campaign) Email Internal Name.
- Added a new field ’Subject’ in Marketing Activities module in CRM for records with type: Email Sent/Read (Opened)/Bounced. This field will get value from related Template (for Campaign) Email Subject.
SubVersion 3.9.211 (CRM)
Fixed Bugs
- Fixed Connectors mapping
- Fixed CRM checkbox fields by Mautic overwriting. Without "Allow Mautic to overwrite Module Field value in CRM" option, Mautic can set this field in CRM only during create a new record in CRM by integration
- Fixed CRM float/integer/decimal fields by Mautic overwriting. Without "Allow Mautic to overwrite Module Field value in CRM" option, Mautic can set this field in CRM only if field is really empty (zero is not an empty value)
- Fixed CRM enum fields by Mautic overwriting. Without "Allow Mautic to overwrite Module Field value in CRM" option, Mautic can set this field in CRM only if field is empty and has not empty key value (in app_list_strings)
- Fixed bugs related to Connectors mapping
- Marketing Campaigns and Marketing Activities modules are now avaliable in Global Search (disabled by default)
- Added new CRM Api link for Mautic OAuth 2 Credentials: [CRM_instance_URL]/mautic_api/get_token. For now, old link: [CRM_instance_URL]/mautic/get_token is deprecated (but still works)
SubVersion 3.9.204 (CRM)
Fixed Bugs
- Fixed labels
- Fixed - Mautic always overwrites Assigned to user
- Fixed - Warnings in log regarding constants
- Support for Mautic 2.15.1
- Support for SugarCRM 9.0.0
- Support for SuiteCRM 7.11
Version 3.9
Fixed Bugs
- Fixed labels
- Fixed moving Mautic activities between just merged Mautic Contacts in CRM
- Fixed errors in e-mail Opt-Out synchronize
- Support for Mautic 2.14.1 and 2.14.2
- Support for SugarCRM 8.0.1 and 8.0.2
- Support for SuiteCRM 7.10.9 and 7.10.7
- Added choosing license type in CRM Administration section: Mautic Integrator License Management
- Added Mautic notifications about synchronization failures to CRM
- Resynchronizing records triggers resynchronization of activities from Mautic to CRM
- Added choosing default module in CRM for which new records from Mautic will be created
- Removed fields mapping from Mautic for uniform fields mapping in CRM only
- Added overriding field values by Mautic in CRM (settings in fields mapping in CRM)
Version 3.8
Fixed Bugs
- Delete Campaign in Mautic should delete related record in Marketing Campaigns module in CRM
- Change name of Target List in CRM and sychronize with Mautic should change name of related Segment in Mautic
- Using emoticons in email title and body crashes integration with CRM
- Missing labels in Reports module and Mautic Connector Settings
- A lot of warnings in PHP 7.1 logs
- Integration plugin doesn't work if Mautic database tables have prefix
- Support for PHP 7.1
- Support for SugarCRM 8.0.0
- Support for SuiteCRM 7.10.4
- Support for SugarCRM/SuiteCRM on server with SSL enabled
- Resynchronize records with Mautic - additional option in Administration with operation results in CSV file
- Added ability to set a license expiriation email notification to admin users
- Added ability to set a OAuth Token expiriation email notification to admin users
- GDPR Support for Mautic Activities form content (SugarCRM only)
Version 3.4
Fixed Bugs
- No user should be able to edit Marketing Activities nor Marketing Campaings,
- No user should be able to edit Mautic Points nor other Mautic related fields in CRM,
- Updating related records with Target Lists that have already been synchronized with Mautic causes errors.
- Support for SuiteCRM 7.7.9 and 7.8.2
- Support for Mautic version 2.6.1 ,2.7.0, 2.7.1
- Default mapping for Lead fields in Mautic Plugin
- Support for mapping Dropdowns and MultiSelect field types. Causion: in both systems list values have to be identical