by Helfertech

Secure your SuiteCRM password and account data by implementing two-factor authentication with Google Authenticator.

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Two-Factor Authentication V2

We are introducing new features in Version 2 for 2FA

  1. Api Access (Manage the server IP addresses and users for Two Factor Authentication API Access)
  2. Email Interface

Api Access

API access is the process of ensuring that calls with authenticated logins can access CRM. An API gateway is the core of an API management solution. Gateways ensure that API calls are processed appropriately.Furthermore, API products are a good way to control access to a specific bundle of resources.

However, an Admin can manage his system’s API settings and revoke access to an individual application/Portal. - The system Admin grants API access to the Portal with user name. - Check and make sure the requesting "Portal/Access point" has same IP address and user name that given in the system - Match OAuth scopes with those associated with the access tokens given by the CRM.


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