Handle Open Action Items with Prioritized Updates On Your SuiteCRM Home Page
Ensure A+ Service with Rules to Escalate Customer Records and Cases to Appropriate Users
Capture SuiteCRM User Activity by Module, Function, and Time
Connect with Your Customers Using WhatsApp for SuiteCRM
Stop Unverified Emails Before They Enter Your SuiteCRM Database
BV Email to Lead
Brainvire’s Email to Lead extension will enhance your SuiteCRM experience by conveniently creating leads from email and simplifying the process of tracking potential customers. Easy to set up, any email server can be configured in the CRM, then leads will automatically be created with all predefin...
Lead Scoring
Brainvire Infotech has created the Lead Scoring plugin for sales teams, helping SuiteCRM users score and rate leads based on specific conditions and all essential CRM data. This solution will help salespeople achieve their targets by focusing on leads that can truly help the business grow.
Redian Zoom Connector
The Redian Zoom Connector works as an extension enabling SuiteCRM users to easily connect with Zoom to automate the process of scheduling meetings. Zoom meeting links get auto-generated from SuiteCRM, then distributed to the associated contacts in the calendar invite.
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