Highlevel Overview
Stop wasting time with unverified emails. The BV Email Verify add-on immediately verifies your customer email addresses, helping to weed out incorrect emails and cleanse email data before it enters your SuiteCRM database. Created by the developers at Brainvire, the Email Verify add-on helps users better manage their contacts by verifying whether email addresses are correct or incorrect. You can apply this add-on to the Accounts, Contacts and Leads modules in SuiteCRM.
Benefits of verified email IDs in SuiteCRM
- Maximize revenue opportunities
- Improve customer experience
- Increase business performance
- Discover important information about the owner
- Cleanse email addresses before they enter your database
How it Works
Email Verify will validate your customer's email address immediately. SuiteCRM Users will receive an alert for email validation as soon as they enter the ID in the Accounts, Contacts or Leads modules.
Valid Email Address Notification
Invalid Email Address Notification
To learn more about this solution, go to BV Email Verify or search for "verify emails."
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