Swiftly Send and Receive Adobe Acrobat Sign Signatures in SuiteCRM
Using this complete SuiteCRM and Adobe Acrobat Sign integration, you can quickly pull data from key modules (Account, Quote, Contract and more) and send it out for signature directly from SuiteCRM. Signed documents are then returned to SuiteCRM and attached to the document envelope of the corresponding records.
Generate PDFs from SuiteCRM and Automate Your Document Processes
PDF Creator for SuiteCRM is a powerful add-on for generating business PDFs, capturing electronic signatures, and automating related processes.
Video Conferencing Add-ons for SuiteCRM and the Fully-Remote Future
One upside of the global pandemic was the forced acceptance of remote work and the tech that helps make it possible. We'll cover some of the latest remote work stats and how SuiteCRM users can conveniently teleconference with smart video solutions from our marketplace.
Turn Wufoo Web Form Data into SuiteCRM Records
Brainvire’s Wufoo Form Integration with SuiteCRM enables businesses to sync multiple Wufoo forms from their website to create new records in the CRM.
Auto-Sync Your Google Contacts with SuiteCRM
Sync all your Google contacts with SuiteCRM in a single click! With this add-on, you can sync and maintain your Google contacts in the Leads and Contacts Module in SuiteCRM with ease.
Random Spotlight
E-signature Field
Electronic signatures provide a binding way to authenticate a document. We have simplified this in SuiteCRM with an easy-to-use electronic signature capture and embed tool. You can use the E-Signature Field add-on in any default module of SuiteCRM.
SuiteCRM Outlook Plugin for iOS, Android & OWA
When you're on the road, Outlook is essential for continuing to communicate with your customers. Implicit FrontEnd is essential for accessing SuiteCRM, updating and creating new CRM records, scheduling meetings and archiving email to SuiteCRM.
Google Sign-in Integration with SuiteCRM
This add-on helps a user to log into SuiteCRM with an existing Google ID. No more having to remember yet another new login account. Just click on the "Sign in with Google" button and login right into the CRM.
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