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#2202 - Quota by Product Category

Open Feature created by Ricardo Cairello 5 years ago

Most scenarios we encounter require that we define quotas for: Sales Rep. + Period + Product Category.

This would be very much aprecciated and useful to a lot of people!


  1. Discovery-Dave member avatar


    5 years ago

    This is a very important feature for us also. Are you able to give an idea when such a development could be made available?

    Many Thanks

  2. giacomoparravicini member avatar


    4 years ago

    Could be very important also for me. I just installed try period of plugin but if is not possible to define quota by Product category is not fix my case

  3. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago

    That's currently not possible but we will have a look at that.

  4. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago


    We have a first version of the module supporting quotas by user by product category. If you want to try it, please order a new trial, then send us an email at We will send you a download link for that new version before it is officially published.


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