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#753 - Cannot edit or create custom module

Open Bug? created by t 7 years ago

Hi there I have a custom module that I need to use with QuickCRM

I have added it to the QuickCRM modules in my SuiteCRM

Mobile user can view it and see the list of records, click on record and see detail view

Does not allow create or edit

  1. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    7 years ago


    Do you mean they don't see the edit / delete menus or buttons (menu on smartphone, button on tablet)? Or do they have an error message when saving?

    Edit and Delete buttons/menus are not displayed if user role prevents editing or deleting.

  2. t member avatar


    7 years ago

    I only see the create option on detail view records, I do not see edit, duplicate, delete like other modules

    When clicking create nothing happens, no error, just highlights blue

    I am an admin user and there are no role restrictions

    • bluquet member avatar

      NS-Team Provider Affiliate

      7 years ago

      Did you build that module with Module Builder?

  3. t member avatar


    7 years ago


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