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#913 - Bug with logging calls

Closed Bug? created by adamcripps 7 years ago

I have just upgraded SuiteCRM to the latest version and have installed this app, but users cannot log calls. I am willing to help with bugfixing (it is on a test install). However, if this isn't fixed before our free trial is up, then we will be ending free trial - thanks.

  1. rolustech member avatar

    Rolustech Provider Affiliate

    7 years ago

    Hi Adam,

    Sorry to hear that you are facing this issue.

    Can you kindly provide us with your Suite and Gmail credentials (at so that our team can look into the exact issue.

    We would love to help you out on this, so that you may have a better experience.


    • adamcripps member avatar


      7 years ago

      Sorry, but I'm not prepared to supply my credentials to you.

    • rolustech member avatar

      Rolustech Provider Affiliate

      7 years ago

      Hi Adam,

      Please note that GSync does not have anything to do with the calls of your system. It only retrieves your entries from your Google Calendar, Contacts and archives your Google mail.

      We can schedule a call with you to further discuss the issue you are facing. Please let me know a time that suits you, we are available during the UK working hours.

      Thanks, Rolustech Support

    • adamcripps member avatar


      7 years ago

      I am aware that GSync doesn't do this, but that is the part of SuiteCRM that is showing the bug. Delete GSync and the bug goes away. I've sent you a separate email with my contact details.

    • rolustech member avatar

      Rolustech Provider Affiliate

      7 years ago

      Yes we have received your mail. Let us set up a call between you and our support engineers.

      We will let you know via mail.

      Thanks, Rolustech Support

  2. rolustech member avatar

    Rolustech Provider Affiliate

    7 years ago

    Hi Adam,

    We're glad the issue was resolved during the call. Always remember to run a Quick Repair and Rebuild after installing a package on to your instance.

    Feel free to contact us anytime if you have any other issues.

    Regards, Rolustech Support

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