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#5637 - lastsync_date not allowing new user creation

Open Bug? created by 2 weeks ago

Hello, we have a customer with a Sugar system using this intergration. They are trying to create a new user and keep recieving the following error; Error: : Did not recognize lastsync_drive as a date/time, it looked like 2013-01-01 01:01:01

Can you please advise on what needs to be done in order to stop this error.

  1. rolustech member avatar

    Rolustech Provider Affiliate

    2 weeks ago


    Thank you for reaching out to us! We have sent you an email regarding some additional information we need to assist you with your issue. Please check your inbox, and feel free to reply at your convenience.

    We look forward to hearing back!

    Best Regards,

    Team Rolustech

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