by Implicit Inc.

Implicit FrontEnd provides deep integration with Microsoft Outlook. In addition to full two-way synchronization of Outlook data such as contacts and calendars, it allows you to sync CRM data including accounts, opportunities, quotes etc. so that you can do all your CRM work without leaving Outlook. In addition, FrontEnd allows you to leverage the rich Outlook functionality to provide tools such as manual and automatic email archiving, collaboration and approval, opportunity tracking and more.

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#5124 - Target lists not syncing and always 0 in side panel

Open Bug? created by about a year ago

Hi, For me in Side Panel, the module target list is visible but not the list the contact is in. It always says Targetlist(0) and shows no list.

  1. Implicit member avatar

    Implicit Inc. Provider

    about a year ago


    Please send the log file "C:\ProgramData\Implicit\Implicit FrontEnd\SyncAddinTrace.txt" to Please include your license key and indicate what the issue is.

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