by Implicit Inc.

Implicit FrontEnd provides deep integration with Microsoft Outlook. In addition to full two-way synchronization of Outlook data such as contacts and calendars, it allows you to sync CRM data including accounts, opportunities, quotes etc. so that you can do all your CRM work without leaving Outlook. In addition, FrontEnd allows you to leverage the rich Outlook functionality to provide tools such as manual and automatic email archiving, collaboration and approval, opportunity tracking and more.

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#2111 - Is LDAP required to use Centralized Administration and Configuration?

Closed General Question created by jim.kramer Verified Purchase 5 years ago

Do you have to use LDAP to gain access to this functionality?:


  1. Implicit member avatar

    Implicit Inc. Provider

    5 years ago

    Hi Jim,

    No, this functionality is not related to LDAP. It works in all environments regardless of SSO. When you login to FrontEnd as the SuiteCRM administrator, the administration tab becomes visible. You can then create a configuration on your own desktop and publish it to other users based on their security groups. The configuration you create includes the sync configuration settings (e.g. which modules to sync and how) which modules should be displayed in the side panel, email rules etc. Once you publish the configuration, users in that security group can use it without having to configure the system on their own desktop.

  2. jim.kramer member avatar

    jim.kramer Verified Purchase

    5 years ago

    Thanks for the quick reply. So this brings up a question I thought of yesterday...

    I did a reset in FrontEnd to change over to the Administrator account. When I went to log back in, it told me the maximum license count was exceeded (we currently have the count set to 2 users, even though we will be expanding that when we roll it out). This behavior leads me to believe the license is associated with the Suite CRM user (not the outlook user), since I did not change my log in to Outlook, only to CRM. Is there a was to reclaim licenses for re-issue if an employee terminates? Do we need to consume a user license for the Administrator just so we can get to the admin tab? I would rather not waste a license just for that access. I tried making myself an admin user in Suite and then looking for the Admin panel, but it could not be found.

    Thanks so much for all your help. I assume entering these questions here is the preferred method, or do you have an e-mail address you would prefer we use?

  3. Implicit member avatar

    Implicit Inc. Provider

    5 years ago

    Hi Jim,

    I reset your license count so you can register the two users again. This is an admin functionality that is available to you as well (Under Advanced > Manage User license"), so yes, you can reclaim the license when a user leaves the company. The license by the way, is tied to the combination of outlook email address and CRM ID. You don't have to have a separate admin account, you can just elevate your privileges to admin even temporarily when you need access to admin functionality.

    You can continue to ask your questions here or feel free to contact us at

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