All-In-One CTI is a computer telephony integration between SugarCRM and most popular PBXs. Easy install. Stable work. 100% support.
#940 - CTI module does not work
I've installed and configured CTI-Module as described in guide but i cannot see popup and Click-to-Call. Moreover module does not collect incoming calls. It seems that the connection with PBX does not work properly.
SuiteCRM version: 7.9.8 Theme: SuiteP PBX: CISCO PBX Connector: ProstieZvonki_Cisco
If I open http://{pbx_url}:10150 I get "CTI Error 403 :Forbidden"
Below the screenshot of console.log:
Could you help me? Thanks.
7 years ago
Hi, 1. I don't see connection from your browser to PBX-connector. Is it possible to give us access to your CRM-instance?
2. Please send us log file from PBX-connector.
Best regards Andrey Uymin Project manager, Vedisoft skype: andrew.uymin
7 years ago
I'm sorry but I can't give you access to our CRM-instance. This is the console.log error:
WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed: WebSocket opening handshake timed out
WrappedWebSocket @ VM144522:164 ProstieZvonki.connect @ sugar_grp1.js:917 (anonymous) @ sugar_grp1.js:924 j @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js:2 fireWith @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js:2 x @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js:4 (anonymous) @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js:4
In PBX-connector I can't find any log that is connected to CRM
7 years ago
7 years ago
In fact, using ws:// I got error log in PBX-connector. I think the problem is this:
08.02.2018 08:38:33.474 DEBUG on validate 08.02.2018 08:38:33.474 DEBUG resource = /?CID=Y3JtcHdkMTgh&CT=sugarcrm&GID=479&PhoneNumber=479&BroadcastEventsMask=0&BroadcastGroup=&PzProtocolVersion=1 08.02.2018 08:38:33.474 DEBUG No valid license for sugarcrm type 08.02.2018 08:38:33.474 INFO Authorization error: server license expired!
I'm using the public trial license key. So I have to request a personal trial license key to complete the test. Is it right?
Thanks in advance.
7 years ago
Please use this key - 8EP2OB5S1PAGLM
7 years ago
Thanks, now it works correctly. I have some doubts/issues:
1) Which is the difference between "Talk duration" and "Connection duration" ? 2) What is the source to calculate this information? 3) Sometimes the calls record in Phone Calls list view are visible only after several minutes even if I refresh the page. 4) Sometimes Dial status is "No answer" but it's not correct. 5) A software like Cisco Jabber can create problems?
Thanks and regards.
7 years ago
1) Connection duration include Talk Duration and time to answer on call. 2) The source is time gap between events "Phone ringingl" and "Call finished" for Connection duration and events "Call answered" and "Call finished" for Talk duation. These events we get from CISCO by TAPI 3) All data is transfered between user browser and PBX-connector (not between CRM-server and PBX-connector). So if user is not online (is not in CRM) and do n't get info about his calls. Once user logges in, you get info with his phone calls log. 4) We will need PBX-connector log and exact example (when from what number to what number you made call) 5) I guess no.
Best regards Andrey Uymin Project manager, Vedisoft skype: andrew.uymin
7 years ago
"All data is transfered between user browser and PBX-connector (not between CRM-server and PBX-connector). So if user is not online (is not in CRM) and do n't get info about his calls. Once user logges in, you get info with his phone calls log."
If I've understood, all the calls when user is not logged in are lost. For our users this is a very big issue. Is there a workaround?
Thanks, Marco B
6 years ago
Hi Macro, 1. They are not lost (I mean calls of non-logged user).. They are saving on PBX-connector side. When user logs in, all calls log comes into CRM, even after few days.