Official SuiteCRM Outlook Plugin v4 has arrived - Compatible with the Outlook Web App or Outlook 2016+ connected to Office365 or Exchange Server 2016. A complete rebuild developed and maintained by SuiteCRM developers, the addon retains previous functionality while massively improves performance, reliability and stability!
#881 - Query Error in Module Contacts
Got the attached error message when trying to archive an email.
7 years ago
I just realized that embedded pictures were not showing up in this thread.
Here is a link to a screenshot of the error message:
7 years ago
Here is the error from the log:
2018-01-17 13:09:28,905 | VSTA_Main | ERROR | Failure when custom module included (3) System.Exception: Failed to parse JSON (Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: F. Path '', line 0, position 0.): Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function SugarWebServiceImplv4::get_entry_list(), 8 passed in D:\SugarCRM\sugarcrm\service\core\REST\SugarRestJSON.php on line 91 and at least 9 expected in D:\SugarCRM\sugarcrm\service\v4\SugarWebServiceImplv4.php:250 Stack trace:
0 D:\SugarCRM\sugarcrm\service\core\REST\SugarRestJSON.php(91): SugarWebServiceImplv4->get_entry_list('rfpgrjmg9rr70i4...', 'Opportunities', 'opportunities.n...', 'date_entered DE...', 0, Array, '1000', false)
1 D:\SugarCRM\sugarcrm\service\core\SugarRestService.php(133): SugarRestJSON->serve()
2 D:\SugarCRM\sugarcrm\service\core\webservice.php(66): SugarRestService->serve()
3 D:\SugarCRM\sugarcrm\service\v4_1\rest.php(53): require_once('D:\SugarCRM\sug...')
thrown in D:\SugarCRM\sugarcrm\service\v4\SugarWebServiceImplv4.php on line 250
at SuiteCRMClient.CrmRestServer.DeserializeJson[T](String responseJson) at SuiteCRMClient.CrmRestServer.CheckForCrmError(String jsonResponse) at SuiteCRMClient.CrmRestServer.GetCrmResponse[T](String strMethod, Object objInput) at SuiteCRMClient.RestAPIWrapper.GetEntryList(String module, String query, Int32 limit, String order_by, Int32 offset, Boolean GetDeleted, String[] fields) at SuiteCRMAddIn.Dialogs.ArchiveDialog.TryQuery(String searchText, String moduleName, List`1 fieldsToSeek) at SuiteCRMAddIn.Dialogs.ArchiveDialog.Search(String searchText) Data:System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal HResult:-2146233088
7 years ago
Hi RyanF12,
This is a known issue with PHP 7 and will be resolved in the next release. Thanks.
6 years ago
This is resolved by upgrading both SuiteCRM (either LTS or latest) and SuiteCRM Outlook plugin versions