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#5303 - An authentication error has occurred, please log in again.

Closed Bug? created by 11 months ago

Hello Support-Team,

I am getting the folowing Warning when I am trying use a Modul: warning.JPG

Any Ideas why I am getting this Error? - tried different versions - validated license - API is working (login successfuly)

On top of that, I dont have/cant find the button "select" on the configuration page.

Thx alot, Maximilian Schwarz


  1. suitecrm member avatar

    SuiteCRM Provider Affiliate

    11 months ago

    Hi there,

    Regarding the "select" button missing, we are aware of the bug you've encountered, and I'm pleased to inform you that it has been addressed and fixed. The release package containing the fix is undergoing rigorous testing to ensure its stability and effectiveness. A workaround for the current issue would be to disable "Subpanel Tabs" in the layout options section of your user profile in SuiteCRM. This may resolve your issue while we prepare the latest release with the integrated fix. This may also fix your problem with the authentication message.

    Please let us know if you are still experiencing the authentication issue after trying the above workaround.

    Thanks, The Outlook Plugin Team

  2. Maximilian_Schwarz member avatar

    11 months ago

    Hi there,

    "Please let us know if you are still experiencing the authentication issue after trying the above workaround."

    After the workaround, I am not experiencing the authentication issue anymore.

    Thanks, Maximilian Schwarz

  3. suitecrm member avatar

    SuiteCRM Provider Affiliate

    11 months ago

    Hi there,

    Great to hear, we will close this ticket now.

    Thanks, The Outlook Plugin Team

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