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Official SuiteCRM Outlook Plugin v4 has arrived - Compatible with the Outlook Web App or Outlook 2016+ connected to Office365 or Exchange Server 2016. A complete rebuild developed and maintained by SuiteCRM developers, the addon retains previous functionality while massively improves performance, reliability and stability!

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#3836 - Addin not working on Outlook

Closed Bug? created by jfoussard 3 years ago

Hello I have installed the plugin and went through all steps. But at the 13th, when I tried to open the addin on outlook; I have an error message saying : "We can not load the addin. Please check if you have Internet..." as it says in French here : erreur_addin.PNG My internet is working fine so I don't know where I made a mistake. Could you please help me ? Thanks a lot


  1. suitecrm member avatar

    SuiteCRM Provider Affiliate

    3 years ago

    Hi Sidika

    This can often be an issue if your SuiteCRM instance is not directly accessible, e.g if it behind a VPN, or another reason maybe that URL configured on your SuiteCRM instance is incorrect, so will be misconfigured in the plugin.

    If you need to further help to diagnose this issue, please send us the manifest file you generated and installed onto Outlook and we should be able to help you pinpoint the most likely cause, to sent it please sent an email referencing this ticket number in the subject #3836 to outlook at

  2. jfoussard member avatar


    3 years ago

    Hello Thank you for your quick reply. I sent you the manifest file the 3rd September (from the email address svasram@....) but haven't had any reply since yet. Unfortunately, my trial period will end on the 19th September and I couldn't test the product as I can't install it correctly. Would it be possible to extend my trial period and also help me install the plugin so I can test it asap. thanks a lot


    • suitecrm member avatar

      SuiteCRM Provider Affiliate

      3 years ago

      Hi jfoussard

      A reply was sent to you by email on the 3rd September 2021, maybe check you junk mail etc, if you have not received it

      In any case below is a copy of the reply with any sensitive details removed:-

      Looking at the manifest it using an internal URL for the CRM, this is likely what is configured in the config.php file on your CRM and hence this will be what it will be using in the generated manifest for the plugin for it to connect to the CRM to access the plugin files.

      this URL looks as though it could be a local address, and if that address is not accessible on the machine where outlook is being used, then this is likely the reason why you are getting the error you are. In essence if you open a browser can access this CRM on this address, then outlook on that machine should be able to access it.

      It maybe that you need to update the configured URL in your CRM to be an external facing one, then regenerate the manifest. Otherwise, if you have a special setup you may need to look at setting it up slightly differently, if this is the case please provide some more information on your setup and we may be able to guide you on this.

  3. jfoussard member avatar


    3 years ago

    hello Thanks a lot for your quick reply. I can now see the authentification panel on Outlook. However, when I try to authenticate, I filled in all the fields, but I have a message saying "an unknown error has occured, please check input and try again". I don't know what I should change.

    Thanks Regards, Sidika

  4. joseoutonbouzas member avatar


    2 years ago

    Hello, I have the same problem. have you found any solution? Is it possible to send you the manifest, where can I send it?

  5. suitecrm member avatar

    SuiteCRM Provider Affiliate

    2 years ago

    Hi there,

    Could you please confirm if this issue you are having still exists?

    If so, could you please send us your Suite Logs so we can review them to get a better understanding of your issue?

    Regards, Outlook Plug-in Team

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