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Official SuiteCRM Outlook Plugin v4 has arrived - Compatible with the Outlook Web App or Outlook 2016+ connected to Office365 or Exchange Server 2016. A complete rebuild developed and maintained by SuiteCRM developers, the addon retains previous functionality while massively improves performance, reliability and stability!

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#3731 - Need guidance on Installing Outlook Plug-In on Windows

Closed Installation created by michaelkeen 3 years ago

Hello, I’ve been working on trying to install the V4 Outlook Plug-In for SuiteCRM, and I’m stuck. I’ve followed the installation guide to the letter. I’ve run into problems with the API. I’ve reinstalled composer and openssl and tried to follow the help from here, but that guide assumes Linux and not Windows.

I also edited Container.php changing ‘addContentLengthHeader’ from true to false based on another thread I found.

Here are my current results from /suitecrm/Api/access_token…

Notice : Key file “file://C:\xampp\htdocs\SuiteCRM/Api/V8/OAuth2/private.key” permissions are not correct, should be 600 or 660 instead of 666 in C:\xampp\htdocs\SuiteCRM\vendor\league\oauth2-server\src\CryptKey.php on line 57

Notice : Key file “file://C:\xampp\htdocs\SuiteCRM/Api/V8/OAuth2/public.key” permissions are not correct, should be 600 or 660 instead of 666 in C:\xampp\htdocs\SuiteCRM\vendor\league\oauth2-server\src\CryptKey.php on line 57

Notice : Key file “file://C:\xampp\htdocs\SuiteCRM/Api/V8/OAuth2/public.key” permissions are not correct, should be 600 or 660 instead of 666 in C:\xampp\htdocs\SuiteCRM\vendor\league\oauth2-server\src\CryptKey.php on line 57

Method not allowed Method not allowed. Must be one of: POST

Any help would be appreciated.

  1. suitecrm member avatar

    SuiteCRM Provider Affiliate

    3 years ago

    This is a known issue in windows and the SuiteCRM V8 API on windows, We believe this was addresses in the latest release 7.11.20/7.10.31, so if you are on an earlier version this may be why you get this error. So may need o upgrade you instance or take some other action

    here is a link to the ix in question, if it's any help -

    • michaelkeen member avatar


      3 years ago

      Thanks for this advice. I've upgraded to 7.11.20. The number of PHP warnings is down to one, but I'm still not connecting. Here's the latest from /Api/access_token...

      Notice: Key file "file://C:\xampp\htdocs\SuiteCRM/Api/V8/OAuth2/public.key" permissions are not correct, should be 600 or 660 instead of 666 in C:\xampp\htdocs\SuiteCRM\vendor\league\oauth2-server\src\CryptKey.php on line 57
      Method not allowed
      Method not allowed. Must be one of: POST
    • suitecrm member avatar

      SuiteCRM Provider Affiliate

      3 years ago

      ok yres, perhaps there could be another issue that has been missed in the original fix

      if I was guessing I think this may be the problem/ solution

      in Api/V8/Config/services/middlewares.php you have to change, near the bottom of the file from

          ResourceServer::class => function (Container $container) {
              $baseDir = $GLOBALS['BASE_DIR'];
              return new ResourceServer(
                  new AccessTokenRepository(
                      new AccessTokenEntity(),
                  sprintf('file://%s/%s', $baseDir, ApiConfig::OAUTH2_PUBLIC_KEY)


      ```` ResourceServer::class => function (Container $container) { $baseDir = $GLOBALS['BASE_DIR'];

          $shouldCheckPermissions = OsHelper::getOS() !== OsHelper::OS_WINDOWS;
          return new ResourceServer(
              new AccessTokenRepository(
                  new AccessTokenEntity(),
              new CryptKey(
                  sprintf('file://%s/%s', $baseDir, ApiConfig::OAUTH2_PUBLIC_KEY),


    • michaelkeen member avatar


      3 years ago

      Thanks, again. I was able to successfully authenticate from Outlook to SutieCRM. However, I kept getting "Invalid Client Password" until I changed my user account to NOT use LDAP authentication. Is LDAP authentication incompatible with the Outlook Add-In?

  2. michaelkeen member avatar


    3 years ago

    Hi again. In addition to my question about LDAP authentication above, I'm also completely stuck on Auto-Archiving. The documentation says to enable Outlook Sync and select the folders to sync, but there are no folders available...


    I'm guessing I need to add my Outlook 365 email account to my SuiteCRM user profile, but when I try that the IMAP settings do not seem to work. Any help here would be appreciated.

    • info121 member avatar


      3 years ago

      Hey, I'm trying to get auto archiving to work also and not having much luck. I'm about to make a new support post for it now

    • info121 member avatar


      3 years ago

      Here's my post about auto-archive, hopefully it will get a reply which helps the both of us.

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