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#3694 - Invalid email warning for sync'd emails

In Progress Bug? created by jackturner Verified Purchase 3 years ago


Any email that is automatically archived from 365 into Suite, causes the following error in the log, whenever the applicable Contact's record is viewed:

Invalid email address given: [NAME ] Called at /PATH/TO/SUITE/include/ListView/ListViewSubPanel.php:308 from function get_list_view_data.

It seems that the addresses are of the form "NAME " when passed into isValidEmailAddress() - which this function treats as invalid

Many thanks

  1. jackturner member avatar

    jackturner Verified Purchase

    3 years ago

    The msg editor stripped the gt and lt characters - so the email address quoted in the error message should be:

    NAME <>


  2. suitecrm member avatar

    SuiteCRM Provider Affiliate

    3 years ago

    Hi Jack,

    Thanks for the report!, Will attempt to replicate and raise an issue with the development team!

    • jackturner member avatar

      jackturner Verified Purchase

      3 years ago


      Any news with regards this issue?


  3. jackturner member avatar

    jackturner Verified Purchase

    a year ago

    Why has this been closed? You still haven't provided a proper response. Thanks

  4. suitecrm member avatar

    SuiteCRM Provider Affiliate

    a year ago

    Hi Jack,

    Apologies for closing this case, this was a mistake. We have raised this in our Bug List. We will keep you up to date on when this bug is fixed and what release this will be fixed in.

    Thank you for your understanding, The Outlook Plugin Team.

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