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Official SuiteCRM Outlook Plugin v4 has arrived - Compatible with the Outlook Web App or Outlook 2016+ connected to Office365 or Exchange Server 2016. A complete rebuild developed and maintained by SuiteCRM developers, the addon retains previous functionality while massively improves performance, reliability and stability!

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#3439 - Where to put the Manifet file? Does this work with the Outlook App / Office 365?

Closed Installation created by DDSN Interactive 4 years ago

Hello, I have gotten quite far with the installation of the Add-in but can't seem to find where to put the Manifest - please advise? I am using Office 365 Oulook App Version 2101 = should it work? Thank you for your help, Vanessa

  1. suitecrm member avatar

    SuiteCRM Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago

    Hi there,

    Once downloaded the manifest should be installed via the "Get Add-in!" button which should be either shown on the default navbar along the top or at the bottom when right-clicking.

    If this does not appear the issue is likely that you do not have a compatible account or software version, can you confirm what type of account you are using?

  2. accounts11 member avatar

    DDSN Interactive

    4 years ago

    Hello! Thanks for your reply -- we finally found the spot :) Another question - each time I open the side window in Outlook I have to log in again even though I have Remember Me checked? Thanks, Vanessa

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