Official SuiteCRM Outlook Plugin v4 has arrived - Compatible with the Outlook Web App or Outlook 2016+ connected to Office365 or Exchange Server 2016. A complete rebuild developed and maintained by SuiteCRM developers, the addon retains previous functionality while massively improves performance, reliability and stability!
#3369 - Validation of Outlook Plugin License Key
Hi. Just purchased the trial version...
I followed the installation instructions (well written!) step by step. However, at step 5, I entered the license key and pressed on validate.
But... nothing happens. No green "validated" or anything else that could be expected. Not even a "reload" of the page is happening... After saving and enter the page again, the license key is gone.
Is this an error or normal behaviour?
Kind regards, Rabbit
4 years ago
Hi there,
Could you please try running a repair and rebuild before clearing browser cache and trying again. Let me know if you have any luck!
Thanks! Mac
3 years ago
Same thing happens to me. Has this issue been resolved?
3 years ago
This is the error I am getting in the console: index.php?module=Administration&action=OutlookAddinConfig:1100 Uncaught ReferenceError: callValidateEntry is not defined at HTMLButtonElement.onclick (index.php?module=Administration&action=OutlookAddinConfig:1100) onclick @ index.php?module=Administration&action=OutlookAddinConfig:1100
2 years ago
same thing happens to me, has this been resolved in the meantime?
Best regards,
2 years ago
Hi there,
Could you please confirm what version of the plugin you are using?
Regards, The Outlook plugin Team
2 years ago
Version: 4.0.1, June 14th 2022
Many thanks
2 years ago
Thank you for the information.
Can you confirm that you have set up the JSON API correctly using our documentation here -
Regards, The Outlook plugin Team