Official SuiteCRM Outlook Plugin v4 has arrived - Compatible with the Outlook Web App or Outlook 2016+ connected to Office365 or Exchange Server 2016. A complete rebuild developed and maintained by SuiteCRM developers, the addon retains previous functionality while massively improves performance, reliability and stability!
#3304 - Cannot install Outlook plugin v4
When I try to install the plugin I get the following errors in the suitecrm.log
MySQL error 1071: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes
I am running the installation in AWS with an EC2 frontend for the web application and a separate RDS instance running mysql for the database.
4 years ago
Hi there,
Can you confirm you are attempting to install the V4 plugin? Do you get any errors on screen at the same time?
4 years ago
Yes V4
4 years ago
we are getting this error in outlook (see image attached)
4 years ago
"An unknown error has occurred, please check input and try again.
4 years ago
Can you confirm you are using the correct API Key?
4 years ago
Hello, we did follow the instructions and found the api key in the suite crm. But I feel like the issue is with the module installation on the server side. Doesn't that part have to be done before adding the plugin to outlook.
4 years ago
On top of the error we get in Outlook, we get the error mentioned in the suitecrm.log when trying to install the plugin.
4 years ago
Hi there,
Yes the installation of the plugin in suite is critical, can you uninstall the plugin if it already exists then run a Quick Repair and Rebuild and then try installing again. It may be worth re-downloading the package from the downloads page to ensure there's nothing missing.
Let me know how you get on, Thanks!
4 years ago
I did try that, this is the results when I do that. The Repair and Rebuild doesn't work and fails.
First I get
"Differences found between database and vardefs"
I am provided with a script to run against the database or have the SuiteCRM Application run it. I execute the script from SuiteCRM and get
"Database failure. Please refer to suitecrm.log for details."
The suitecrm.log has the following,
I suspect that I cannot proceed to the Outlook plugin part of the setup until this database issue is resolved.
4 years ago
Sorry, the following is also related to the quick repair & rebuild of the database.
4 years ago
If you try running a repair and rebuild again does the issue reappear? If so can you copy it the script and run it manually via MySQL command line or preferably PHPMyAdmin where you will get better reporting.
4 years ago
I tried that and here is what I got for one of the alter commands I was instructed to apply,
I then proceeded to try a few other alter commands and they all gave me the same warning.
4 years ago
Thanks Jason,
Could I get you to confirm a few extra things for us?
What MySQL, PHP and Suite version are you using? Ignoring any of the issues mentioned above, when attempting to load the Suite side of the plugin (The .zip file) via the module loader, do you receive any errors directly on-screen/does the module finish the install and show as installed on the module loader screen? Secondly, can you access the Outlook Config menu at the bottom of the administration menu?
This information will be helpful with debugging your issue further, Thanks, Mac
4 years ago
Hello, the mysql version is 5.6.44, PHP is version 7.2.24 and SuiteCRM is Version 7.11.18.
When trying to install the SuiteCRM Outlook plugin I get the following:
I do see the Outlook plugin configuration menu in the Admin screen and can access it.
2 years ago
Hi there,
Could you please confirm if this issue you are having still exists?
Regards, Outlook Plug-in Team