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#1991 - Contacts not syncing automatically (never from SuiteCRM to Outlook)

Closed Bug? created by provexilon 5 years ago

Dear Sirs,

I'm install and reinstall several times your plugin and it never syncronize automatically contacts created on suitecrm to outlook. Either on first sync and either later creating contacts from suitecrm. The rest of entities and situations seems to sync fine. I've the following environment :

  • Windows 10 64b desktop + Outlook 2013, in both cases all maintance packs/fixes installed.
  • Plugin 4.2.14. Enterprise on trial period.
  • Plugin Setup:
    • General / Syncronize (schedule an automatic syncronization every 5 minutes)
    • Thethered Mode : (I want to sync contacts between SuiteCRM and Outlook)
    • Sync Configuration (Contacts marked for syncing in both directions)
  • All contacts in SUITECRM with checkbox "Sync to Outlook" marked (many manually the others with massive change, but always before install plugin)
  • We're testing outlook plugin with user will/will with demo dataset deployed provided by SuiteCRM installation

Contacts only sync in these scenarios : - All contacts are sync to SuiteCRM if they were created before in Outlook - All contacts created in SuiteCRM are synchronized to Outlook if you force the manual sync option in window "Search CRM Contacts", they never sync automatically by the plugin, but you have visibility of those contacts from this window because the plugin shows contacts from SuiteCRM repository.

Any suggestion for solving automatically syncing on this last scenario... ??

Thanks in advance


  1. suitecrm member avatar

    SuiteCRM Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Hi provexilon,

    Could you ensure the plugin logging output is set to "debug" and run through your scenarios again? Afterwards please could you provide us with a copy of the logs ether via this chat or directly to outlook[at]salesagility[dot]com so we can investigate this further.

    SuiteCRM Outlook Plugin Team

  2. suitecrm member avatar

    SuiteCRM Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Hi there,

    This ticket will be closed over due to inactivity.

    We recommend upgrading to the latest version of the plugin to ensure you stay up to date with new feature and bug releases, however, if you are still experiencing an issue in the latest version please open a new ticket with reference to this one.

    SuiteCRM Outlook Plugin Team

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