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#1256 - quickbooks to outlook to SuiteCRM

Closed Bug? created by SteveS 6 years ago

Sorry for all of the questions... I am trying to replace a custom CRM system with a combination of Outlook and SuiteCRM. Our current system syncs everything to Quickbooks as well so I have installed the SuiteCRM/Outlook plugin as well as the Quickbooks/Outlook plugin. I just ran an intial sync from Quickbooks to Outlook and I was expecting the new customers to be added to SuiteCRM as well. However, they all show up in the error log as follows and none actually get added to SuiteCRM.- I am not sure what the "not added because not licensed" means since I have a license key.

Thanks a lot.

Synchroniser.OutlookItemAdded: Outlook Id : 00000000B899BBFAC775E04AA54B9890D33572FD0700EAF5E9A26E07794188B126BDD995AC1C00000000010E0000EAF5E9A26E07794188B126BDD995AC1C0000405DC9590000 CRM Id : [not present] Full name : '' Sensitivity : olNormal 2018-07-04 15:23:17,759 | VSTA_Main | WARN | Synchroniser.OutlookItemAdded: item 00000000B899BBFAC775E04AA54B9890D33572FD0700EAF5E9A26E07794188B126BDD995AC1C00000000010E0000EAF5E9A26E07794188B126BDD995AC1C0000405DC9590000 not added because not licensed

  1. SteveS member avatar


    6 years ago

    I think I am going to give up on the three way sync. I am using Office 365 and the Quickbooks sync tool doesn't work with it. But a word of warning to anybody that is going to try this. After a few days of working at it. I got the two working but they seemed to go into an endless cycle. Every time something changed it would get updated in the other application then the first application would pick up the update and update itself again, which would trigger the second application, etc.

  2. suitecrm member avatar

    SuiteCRM Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    I'm assuming this to be closed? Else comment and let us know how we can help further.

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  • "no funciono no consigo conectar. ni con suitcrm 7 ni 8 me doy de baja por que no es posible." - santiago

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