Official SuiteCRM Outlook Plugin v4 has arrived - Compatible with the Outlook Web App or Outlook 2016+ connected to Office365 or Exchange Server 2016. A complete rebuild developed and maintained by SuiteCRM developers, the addon retains previous functionality while massively improves performance, reliability and stability!
#1255 - sync existing customers from SuiteCRM to Outlook?
if the synctooutlook box is checked for an existing contact it doesn't seem to add it to outlook. This is what shows up in the log (set to debug)
2018-07-04 13:54:41,704 | 7 | ERROR | Should never happen - two Outlook items with same id (00000000B899BBFAC775E04AA54B9890D33572FD0700EAF5E9A26E07794188B126BDD995AC1C00000000010E0000EAF5E9A26E07794188B126BDD995AC1C0000405DB9BC0000)? 2018-07-04 13:59:41,909 | 8 | ERROR | Should never happen - two Outlook items with same id (00000000B899BBFAC775E04AA54B9890D33572FD0700EAF5E9A26E07794188B126BDD995AC1C00000000010E0000EAF5E9A26E07794188B126BDD995AC1C0000405DB9BD0000)?
6 years ago
more on this.... I have given up using the quickbooks/outlook sync tool to capture updates. We have an inhouse app that works much better. The plan would be to update SuiteCRM directly from Quickbooks then let this plugin move the changes to Outlook. However, I have been unable to set the sync contact flag for a new or updated contact. If I set it manually through the web interface the contact is captured by the plugin and moved to Outlook. However when I add a contact or try to update an exiting contact through the API I am setting sync_contact = true. The http response shows sync_contact having a true value but then if I query that contact through the API sync contact = "" and the web interface shows the checkbox as unchecked. Therefore no changes are being captured by the plugin.
Thanks a lot.
6 years ago
yet more. I have tried forcing the date_entered to the current date/time but still no luck. New accounts are only synced with Outlook if they are created manually. New accounts created through the API do not seem to ever be synced to Outllok
6 years ago
Ok sounds like a lot of considerations here.
So just to clarify is the real issue that if you manually create a Contact via the v4_1 API and try to set the sync_contact to true that it doesn't actually set this field and thus won't be synced down to your Outlook via this plugin?
5 years ago
Hi there,
This ticket will be closed over due to inactivity.
We recommend upgrading to the latest version of the plugin to ensure you stay up to date with new feature and bug releases, however, if you are still experiencing an issue in the latest version please open a new ticket with reference to this one.
SuiteCRM Outlook Plugin Team